
Light Or Darkness 2, We Return

Quick find code: 49-50-647-37767396

Riku Zerati

Riku Zerati

Posts: 701 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
……………………..|| For Light, Or Darkness..Choose Wisely
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11-Feb-2007 20:13:59 - Last edited on 11-Feb-2007 20:14:24 by Riku Zerati

Hyro Silver

Hyro Silver

Posts: 1,916 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Zamorack lifted his hands in the air and both hands suddenly grew dark. 2 Dark swords appeared in his hands and he pointed it at Hyro. Hyro smiled and took out his Dscimmy. He left his left hand open and then Zamorack disapeared. Hyro closed his eyes and relaxed. Then Hyro jumped up as Zammy *Easeir lol* stabbed into thin air and Hyro dropped to the ground missing Zammy by a hair. Zammy smiled and disapeared again.

Hyro: Cheater...

Zammy: Hyro, if you've forgotten I must remind you, everything I can do you can do!

Hyro: That's right but I don't need your tricks... Never mind I think I'll play your game.

Hyro concentrated and suddenly the world went black. He could still see everywhere but the world was dark, he looked around and saw Zammy smiling at Hyro. Hyro ran towards him with his scimmy and slashed at Zammy. Zammy got struck in the stomach then fell to the ground shreiking in pain. Hyro stepped back and frowned. Zammy laughed and got up.

Zammy: Didn't beleive that did you?

Hyro: I missed you.

Zammy: Your eyesight may be better than I thought.

Zammy dashed towards Hyro and slashed rapidly with both of his swords. Hyro kept blocking them one by one then attacked Zammy towards the head. zammy laughed as he dodged Hyro's fierce attack and then stepped back. Hyro smiled, he loves good fights, then frowned as he heard Nhoj, Zack, Leon, and Ali looking for him. Hyro forgot he was invisable to everyone and then looked at Zammy.

Hyro: Don't you hurt them...

Zammy: Ah a weakness I see.

Hyro: NOOOO!!!

Zammy ran towards the voices and Hyro folowed them. Zammy and Hyro turned visable again, I don't know why though, then Zammy found them all in a circle. Hyro jumped infront of Zammy and started blocking all the strikes Zammy threw at him.

Hyro: *Pant* YOU WILL NOT PASS ME! *Pant*

Zammy: Your wrong!

Zammy jumped back and pointed his hand at Hyro. Hyro looked back at Zack and smiled.

11-Feb-2007 20:24:16

Hyro Silver

Hyro Silver

Posts: 1,916 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zack: FATHER!!!

A blast came out from Zammy'* hand and shot right through Hyro. Hyro's eyes went blank. Hyro regained control of his body and, ignoring the hole through his stomach, he ran towards Zammy. Zammy laughed at Hyro's weakness and slashed at Hyro. Hyro dodged it to Zammy's surprise and slashed Zammy on the arm. Zammy healed it rapidly and got furious. Nhoj and Zack ran towards Zammy while Ali stood there. Hyro, Nhoj, and Zack all attacked Zammy rapidly and Zammy got tired of them all.

Zammy: This is getting boring.

Hyro: I WILL *Coughs out blood* N-NOT LET YOU KILL ANYONE ELSE!

Zammy laughed evil like and lifted his hand again. To Zack's horror it was towards his face. Hyro screamed and jumped infront of Zammy'* hand as the blast shot through him. Zack only got singed by the blast, he saw his beloved father fall to the ground. Zack started to cry as Hyro got up, all bloody and at the point of death. Hyro ran towards Zammy and got shot 3 more times by Zammy. Ali looked at Hyro's bloody face as it fell to the ground.

Ali: Zammy, your evil know no bounds!

Zammy: I know... *Laughs maniacly*

Zack: father? father?! FATHER?!?

Nhoj stepped back and gaurded Hyro's body from Zammy and tears fell to the ground at his feet. Zack cried, Kairi was the only one left!


Zammy: I think I can go for 3 more!

Zammy lifted his hand and Zack stood up. Zack's face, filled with tears, turned red. Ali smiled as Zack took Hyro's blade and stepped by Nhoj. Nhoj let Zack go without folowing him.

Zack: murderer... murederer! MURDERER!!!

Zack turned red with a flame all around him, his body went 10xs stronger and he lept towards Zammy in anger. Zammy dissapeared and Zack screamed in anger! Zack knew Zammy was near. He looked back at Ali as Ali smiled at him.

Ali: They're here!

Sara and Guthix appeared out of nowhere with Zammy in their custody. Zack cried but coutldn't smile. Zack left running.

11-Feb-2007 20:24:37 - Last edited on 11-Feb-2007 20:36:49 by Hyro Silver

Hyro Silver

Hyro Silver

Posts: 1,916 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zack ran into the castle and passed Kairi. She saw him quickly and was confused. She just went on walking. Nhoj and Ali walked into the castle courtyard with Leon behind them. Leon got distracted and started hunting when he was looking for Hyro. He caught a big boar.

Kairi: Hey Guys! What's wr-

Nhoj looked up.

Kairi: dad's d-d-dead?

Nhoj was carrying Hyro's bloody body with him. They didn't enter the house. Kairi dropped her basket of flowers as she looked at her father's body, blown to peices. Nhoj had tears flowing down his face, so did Ali. Nhoj walked to Blackriku's grave and used some quick magic to dig a deep grave. He laid Hyro's body inside the grave. Nhoj and Ali left the grave open and got Kairi and Zack.

They all went to the grave and said a few words. Zack was atleast proud of his father, who died with honor. Zack and Kairi cried without stop. Nhoj and Ali hugged the children as Kyle came home.


Chris: I think they're in the backyard where Blackriku is!


Kyle walked into the backyard and saw Kairi and Zack crying their eyes out. Nhoj and Ali were crying too. Leon stood there with the saddest face Kyle had ever seen.

Kyle: W-W-whe-re's Hyro?!?

Zack looked at Kyle with red eyes. Kyle was shocked, noone could kill Hyro unless they were a god!


Leon: It was Zammy...

Kyle fainted in shock. Chris and Tyler were crying and Leon hugged them both and took them to their room. Kyle woke up and hoped it was a nightmare, to his fear Hyro was still dead. Kyle went to bed with tears. Zack locked himself in his room. Kairi just kept on living life but sadder. Nhoj and Ali just chilled and started smiling again.

They knew one thing that was true:

Hyro will return

11-Feb-2007 20:37:02 - Last edited on 11-Feb-2007 20:49:48 by Hyro Silver

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