-Hyro's Dream-
As the sun dropped, Hyro looked out over the sea. He heard Zotiac and Blackriku fighting over who is going to sleep that night and who will not.
Zotiac: Blackriku you must drive I am too tired!!!
Blackriku: No you drive Zotiac I drove last night!
Blackriku: Hyro why don't you choose the driver!
Hyro: Ok if it'll end this conflict, I choose Zack.
Zack: What? I didn't do it!
Hyro: You're driving.
Zack: Oh... Ok... I guess...
Blackriku and Zotiac went under and in seconds Hyro heard snoring.
Hyro decided to stay above to sleep, he laid down on a soggy mattress and watched the sky, listening to the waves crash into the boat.
-The Dream-
Hyro: We're am I?
Hyro looked around, he was in the middle of a large field. He heard some noises. He looked toward the sound and saw Blackriku and Zotiac. Hyro tried to walk over to them but he couldn't move.
Blackriku: I can't believe Hyro did that...
Zotiac: You must let him go.
Blackriku: But we must stop him!
Zotiac: I know brother... I know.
They both disappeared into a forest at the end of the field. Hyro watched as the forest lit into flames. Hyro yelled for Zotiac and Blackriku but no sound came out of his mouth. Then the flames started getting higher, and they rushed towards Hyro. Hyro closed his eyes and the flames went right through him.
Julia: Hurry Zack, hurry Kairi, we must get out of here!
Zack: But Hyro's back there!
Julia: I know, but he's...
Julia: I-I don't know...
Hyro watched them run out of sight, then he heard them screaming in pain. Hyro started to scream in anguish.
Zack: Dad what's wrong?!?
Hyro woke with a start, covered in either sweat or sea water he didn't know...
Hyro looked at Zack and hugged him.
Zack: What is it?
Hyro: M- M- My dream... I think, I may turn evil...
Zack: It was just a dream.
Hyro: Ya- Ya it was, thank you...
19-Aug-2007 20:54:23