Ha, Joric attacks the attacking hand, making perfect sense. In HEMA, we often attack the wrists and forearms, too. The demon hits Joric so strongly that he bounces against the wall, though the breastplate and backplate would shuffle, absorbing impact. He gets up after blocking the angry fire balls and charges.
Joric is knocked down, dropping his shield. I don't see how a ball of fire could be harmful against plate armour, at worst, it'd just burn the face for a moment. Suddenly the demon's hit by an arrow, presumably by Gabriel. He is hit by a fire ball and catches fire spontaneously, however that works. The demon dies with a second thrust and turns to ash and blood.
People die of fire pretty quickly in this story. Joric fails but still kills the demon, and goes back to the inn. The father rebukes dwarfs, and Joric has nightmares so soon? Chapter ends at that.
Well, the chapter exhibits quest-like narration mixed with some action. Mechanics are good, too. I don't have much to say, but I liked how the combat was actually like martial arts and attacks into the legs and hands are portrayed. Oddly enough, the goblins and cultist* attacked Joric's armour, for whatever reason, but oh well. That's all for now, see you next time.
25-Oct-2015 00:14:14