I know. I'm sorry but I got grounded for the whole of 4th term. shouldn't even be on right now. I hope to be more active this summer.
Just think its cool that the story forum is getting attraction from F2p
18-May-2009 02:10:34
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18-May-2009 02:11:21
Citizen Meme
I'll try to be active whenever I can.
I greatly appreciate the help cicobe. I only wish I could repay you for all you've done for us.
Also, I'm currently designing the new WoV (for after this reaches 200 pages). Any suggestions?
°l||l°Writers Application°l||l°
Username: Kylebooker1
Nickname: Kyle
Story Name: Kyle's Compilation
QFC: 49-50-388-58823837
Rule 2: No spamming
do you wanna join us. Yes
And Meeko79 who is also T00n k1ll3r wanted me to tell you Cicobe to do all the reviews on the waiting list. He also wants you to do mine first for some reason but it doesn't matter to me what order.
I'll be hoping to become more active VERY soon.
If you give me a list of everybody who has been accepted, their stories, and QFCs, I'd be more than happy to add them to the list ASAP.
Everyone, I have returned. All your problems will be dealt with ASAP!
I just took a look at our waiting list, if anyone wants a job as a reviewer please apply. We are also accepting librarians to organize the library and help us find reviewers.
22-Jun-2009 05:24:04
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22-Jun-2009 13:25:52