Jaleston, please post the entire application. And while you do so, think very carefully.
Hot grrrrrl, no you cannot. The rule was quite specific, and as far as I know you only read to rules now: Rule 2 and that... other one.
°l||l°Writers Application°l||l°
Story Name:
Rule 2:
do you wanna join us.
°l||l°Writers Application°l||l°
Username: Commanderjc
Nickname: Jaleston
Story Name: Age of Autoers
QFC: 49-50-241-43849678 (I think.)
Rule 2: No spamming.
Do you want to join us?
This is not a noob story- I hate noob stories. No referances to it being a game at all- I would appreciate someone to point out the sadly plentiful errors in it, and any tips for writing would be helpful.
I've been in two other guilds so far, one dying because the leader went off on some sort of quest to become published and could no longer come online, while the other never got started.
Woah, I didn't notice that one. Hmm... I suppose THAT explains my grammatical errors, eh?
Commanderjc, we saw your application on the page before this no need to repost it. Please just tell us the page number of your application and we will get right on it. Thank you.
,·''`·.¸_¸.·´''·, σ Kñøwlèdgè Ïs Pøwèr, †hèñ Ï Åm Vèrÿ Pøwèrfùl ,·''`·.¸_¸.·´''·,
The writers are perhaps the most important part of WoV. This is the best area for young authors to apply.
°l||l°Writers Application°l||l°
Username:Murder inc1
Nickname:dont have one
Story Name:Ä The warriors mind Ä
Rule 2:No spamming
do you wanna join us.I don't think I would fill this out if I didn't.
Writer Signature: °l||l°Ãûthôr×ôf×Wrïtër§×ôf×Vårrôck°l||l°
Declined, you have not read the rules please go back and re-read them. Thank you.
,·''`·.¸_¸.·´''·, σ Kñøwlèdgè Ïs Pøwèr, †hèñ Ï Åm Vèrÿ Pøwèrfùl ,·''`·.¸_¸.·´''·,
03-Feb-2008 03:00:33
- Last edited on
03-Feb-2008 03:00:52
Commanderjc, we saw your application on the page before this no need to repost it. Please just tell us the page number of your application and we will get right on it. Thank you.
Actually, I kinda told him too.... He forgot to post the 'do you wanna join us.' part. I let him repost it because well, Its not that he didn't read the rules, it that he forgot to finish app (then I check for rules)