(\/)€€KÒ ~ Co leader at Writers Of Varrock ~ reporter of the fastest moving thread in the stories forum ~ Monkey king ~ Librarian of the Yanillian Library ~ Story lover ~
(\/)€€KÒ ~ Co leader at Writers Of Varrock ~ reporter of the fastest moving thread in the stories forum ~ Monkey king ~ Librarian of the Yanillian Library ~ Story lover ~
°l||l°Writers Application°l||l°
Username: Chuklz
Nickname: Chuk or LC
Story Name: A Starlit Blade
QFC: 49-50-675-54807496
Rule 2: No Spamming
I am supposed to edit this sentence or something?
do you wanna join us.
Do you want to join us?
14-Dec-2007 23:58:49
- Last edited on
15-Dec-2007 00:01:22
Yep, that's how it works. I'm a bit busy. I'll get to it when I can, unless Meeko beets me to it.
EDIT: Oh, and I have ANOTHER design for WoV. However, I won't need to make a new thread. Just do a bit of rearanging. You see, I don't think enough people look at the news and updates section, so I'm probably going to move that to the front, so this would be how it works.
Logo and Seal
News, etc.
Our Authors
Our Co-Leaders/bumpers, etc.
Information such as contests
EDIT2: Whoa! I just realized WoV's activity is easily 5 times as fast as when we first made it!
15-Dec-2007 16:43:08
- Last edited on
15-Dec-2007 16:46:59
Citizen Meme