
~The Dwellers~

Quick find code: 49-50-622-59046060

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“My name’s Lester, how may I take your order?” the man said in a loud voice, like he was talking over a crowd. Jerrid grinned and wrapped his arms around Lester’s neck.

Lester looked up with a bug-eyed look, but it wasn’t fear in his eyes. It was fascination. “Are you my savior?”

Jerrid quickly jerked his arm back, turning Lester’s head one-hundred-and-eighty degrees. Lester’s eyes remained wide and staring as he fell to the floor, nose being crushed under his own weight.

He did not bother to ask Lester’s question. Jerrid stepped out of the cell, and noticed that there was a man singing to himself. He was only two doors down, and was the closest to the three institutionalized men. That made it likely he was the last target.

The man looked at him with angry eyes when Jerrid opened the door. “Who the hell are you?”

Jerrid brought one legs down on the bone between the man’s knee and ankle. It snapped feebly and the man screamed while he fell down to the floor, writhing in pain.

“Please stop! Please!”

Jerrid to go notice, he pulled up the man’s head by his hair and looked into his eyes. He took a knife out of his pocket and pressed it against the man’s throat. “Are you Ivan?”

“No! I’m Ned! Ned Oddy! Please don’t hurt me!” The man was pleading like a child. Tears were now pouring out of his eyes and staining his shirt collar.

“Simple enough to figure out. How much do you know about Oliver Oddy’s gift?”

“Gift? What gift? That kid was never special!” The man screamed as Jerrid pressed the knife further into his neck.

“No! Please, wait! I remember! Oliver was really good at math! He could do equations in his head and—,”

Jerrid swiped the knife across the man’s throat. The spluttered of blood sprayed out onto the opposite wall as the man fell head first onto the floor. The blood began to travel, like a river, through the cracks of the stone and towards a nearby drain.

26-Jun-2009 00:24:46 - Last edited on 11-Jul-2009 23:34:23 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Wrong answer,” Jerrid said flatly to the already dead man. He stepped out of the cell and relocked it. When the guards were to look in they would find four dead bodies. Whether they suspected Jerrid or not made no difference. He was a ghost—able to disappear when he needed to. And he had Roland's permission, like a children having permission from their parent’s to use the swings. Roland had very good connections.

On Jerrid’s way out he took no notice at the man at the other end of the cell, who was sleeping like a log from the sedative he had been given.


The next day Aimeric had been requested from Roland to have brunch at a small cafe. Aimeric was furious that the court hearing had been postponed and nobody would tell him why, but Roland said that he needed to talk to him.

Aimeric and Roland were sitting at a glass table opposite of each other on brown whicker chairs. Roland was drinking coffee, Aimeric tea. Roland was opening a packet of sugar when he decided to speak.

“How are you, Aimeric?”

“I am fine, but Ned’s hearing has been rescheduled. I was finally happy to have this behind me and then they pull something like this. It’s ridiculous.” He hadn’t bothered to tell that he was going to lose Oliver. Roland was part of the council, but he couldn’t do anything about tearing apart a boy and his genetic father.

Roland was now stirring a spoon in his coffee. “That is partly why I called you here, Aimeric. Just try not to overreact. Somebody broke into the jail last night. Three of those explorers were killed. So was Ned Oddy.”

It took a moment for the news to sink in. At first, Aimeric’s looked confused, like he didn't hear it right. Then he knew the truth.

‘Ned’s dead!’ his mind screamed in celebration. ‘You get the child and you don’t even and Ned will never hurt you or Oliver again! You won!’

26-Jun-2009 00:24:51 - Last edited on 01-May-2010 04:54:16 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
With difficulty, Aimeric tried to hide his excitement. “Oh...that’s terrible...”

“Yes,” Roland continued. “Thankfully one explorer survived.”

Roland had said that with a look of kindness but there was a hint of resentment in his voice. He didn't find out till that morning, and he was infuriated. Jerrid was almost terrified. This was the first assignment he had failed. Luckily he convinced Roland for another chance, and Ivan would be dead that night, when the city was asleep again.

“Wow,” Aimeric said shocked. “It’s a good thing I missed work for this.”

“Aimeric...” Roland was pushing himself to press on. “There has been a problem with funding. They are shutting down the site.”

“What?” Now Aimeric was truly confused. He had seen the numbers, it was running along smoothly. How could it end? They were making so many discoveries at the site.

“How can they? They can’t...”

“I am afraid they can...” Roland said sympathetically. “It’s a shame—such a waste. Your project was going so well. It must have been like your child. I’m sorry.”

“, I’m fine. Really.” Aimeric said trying to force a smile. Roland put his hands on Aimeric's.

"I must confess and ulterior motive to calling you here. It’s about the boy.”

“Oh? Is this about the custody?” Aimeric knew he would be getting the boy, he just knew it. That was the only thing good in this whole mess.

“We were hoping to keep the kid for a few experiments. It will only be a few months, I promise you. I am sure we can make some exciting breakthrough with his talent.”

“What?” Aimeric was dazed.

“I know, it sounds unlikely. But I think that with enough time in our care, we can do great things with him.”

“I thought I was Oliver’s guardian.”

“My dear Aimeric. That boy has no guardian! Do you have any papers saying that you have the custody?”

“Well...” Ned and him were supposed to make the papers after they won the hearing. But now Ned was just a corpse, and corpses can’t sign legal documents.

26-Jun-2009 00:24:55 - Last edited on 12-Jul-2009 06:21:34 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Don’t worry, just a few months, a few experiments and then we will see what happens from there.”

“And then will I get Oliver?”

Roland frowned. “I think it would be wise to put him in the care of one of the council. But you are welcome to see him whenever you can.”

Aimeric looked into Roland’s eyes with a hard stare. “I won’t let you.”

“Excuse me?” said Roland.

“You want to trap a child in a cage, just so you can make him do a few magic tricks? You’re sick.” Aimeric stood up from his chair. Roland remained seated.

“It’s for the best, the light project will make so much more progress—,”

“My project didn't lose it’s funding, did it?” Aimeric was flaming.

“I’m sorry?”

“You cut it, didn't you? Just so you could have more money for YOUR project!”

“Aimeric, please understand that I am making a breakthrough. You guys...well all your project did was find a bunch of rocks. We must make sacrifices for evolutionary advancement.”

“I can’t believe this. You’re despicable.” Aimeric walked away from the table, leaving Roland drinking his coffee.

“I daresay you’re making a mistake, Aimeric! Please do what’s right and step aside!”

Aimeric stormed home, not bothering to stop for anything. He slammed the door shut and ran to his bedroom for a suitcase.

“Oliver!” he screamed. “Thea! Get packed! We’re running away!” His mind was racing too fast to think of the consequences, or even to wait for Celeste. “Get ready to leave in ten minutes!”

Aimeric threw a bunch of clothes into the suitcase and hauled it downstairs to grab some canned foods from the pantry. “You guys! Hurry up! I’m serious!”

He realized that Thea was at the worksite, which was just being closed down because of Roland’s selfishness. “Oliver! Come here!”

The suitcase was bulging and he had to put his weight on it for it to be able to close. “Oliver, where are you!”

26-Jun-2009 00:25:02 - Last edited on 12-Jul-2009 02:51:34 by Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The suitcase was bulging and he had to put his weight on it for it to be able to close. “Oliver, where are you!”

He saw a note on the kitchen table, but when walking up to it he realized it wasn’t a note at all. It was a picture, made superlatively out of only crayons.

“No..." Aimeric said softly to himself. “How could you draw this Oliver, how could you?”

He stared at the picture in disbelief, praying it didn't come true. But he knew it did. He dropped the suitcase to the floor and ran back out the front door.

It was Oliver’s greatest work. He had never painted anything with that much detail. It was a clear sign that Oliver was improving his artwork exponentially. But it was still terrifying.

On the picture were three men in black suits, dragging away a screaming ten-year-old boy that looked exactly like Oliver.

26-Jun-2009 00:25:35 - Last edited on 12-Jul-2009 02:52:03 by Dark Enmity

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