
The story of a Runescape world

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It was two years ago when I took my first step onto another world. It was strange. I knew everything, from where the cites were to every monsters strength and weakness to what lies at the very bottom of daemonheim. I even knew some of the people, most were old friends. Please allow me to introduce myself, I was the 95th world of Runescape. Please call me World 95.

When I was a world, I had many powers. Everyone of us has powers such as growing trees when they were chopped down or creating ores after they were mined. However, we did not just give people raw material. One of my favorite powers was placing monsters next to the spot where a player just killed it. If you don't believe me, then how do you explain Elvarg appearing after you killed it, or tall Yew trees growing in seconds after it was chopped down. Every once in a while us worlds like to slow or even stop time. Most people call it lag, but it is just us worlds messing with you.

As a world we are not allowed to abuse our powers. If we do we will be removed and we will be transformed into anything. Luckily for me, I was transformed into a human. I can't say the same for World 94, she was transformed into a chicken and is killed all the time by players on World 29.

Now that you know a little bit about me and where I come from, lets start the story.

Three years ago I was talking to my friend, World 111, about how two years earlier he let players attack each other outside of the wilderness (Commonly called the Falador Massacre.) He said he was almost removed because of it and he was going to try to never let that happen again. World 111 was one of the more privileged 'members' worlds. They don't usually talk to the normal 'free' worlds, but World 111 would talk to anyone who was nice to him.

06-Nov-2011 19:54:19 - Last edited on 06-Nov-2011 19:57:26 by ShylyOddDoe



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Shortly after that, World 28 told us some bad news. She said that with in the next week three worlds were going to be removed. She did not say which worlds, and it got me scared. It is never good to see any world get removed because it could be someone you know or even you.

After three days went by and none of the worlds have been removed the other worlds were starting to get anxious to know who it will be. Only a few other worlds have been removed and three at once is the most that was taken away in one week. While there are well over 100 of us, everyone thinks it will be them. There was almost no talking during those three days. On the fourth day the first world was removed.

It was World 109. World 109 was quiet but he always liked to slow the time. Whenever he slowed time people lost items they value. The people started to stay away from him because they are losing their items. His loss in popularity led to his removal. He was turned into a pickaxe on a crate in Falador, near the Mining Guild, in World 3.

About an hour later another world was removed, World 110. No-one was sure why that world was removed. She almost never slowed the time and almost no-one had a problem on that world. It could have been because not as much people were on that world. There was usually less than 300 people on at a time. We can only assume why a world is removed because we are not told why. World 110 is now the goblin in the jail in Port Sarim, on World 48.

06-Nov-2011 19:54:29 - Last edited on 06-Nov-2011 19:56:12 by ShylyOddDoe



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109 and 110 are the two worlds below my friend World 111. I was thinking he was next and at any time he would be taken offline. He was scared too. He did not know what was going to happen. No-one knows what it feels like to be taken offline, and no-one wants to know. When the rest of the day went by and there was no other worlds that were removed, 111 was happy that he gets to be a world for at least another day.
The next day World 111 was sad because he thought for sure he was going to be the last world removed. He told me that if he was the last world to be removed, he wanted to be the Oak tree on an island in the River Lum. That way he would never have to be chopped down and he could watch the people on their canoes.
By the the last world was removed I was sad. World 94, another friend of mine and the world below me, was removed. While 111 was not, I was very upset to see her become a chicken near Lumbridge. I cant imagine the pain it must be to be killed all the time only to be re-created and killed again. She can be found just west of the potato farm on the path near Lumbridge.
After those three worlds have been removed the rest of us were happy to still be there. Everything went back to normal. Nothing out of the ordinary happed for a while until what we call 'war of the worlds' happened and it continues to today.

06-Nov-2011 19:54:29 - Last edited on 06-Nov-2011 20:09:21 by ShylyOddDoe



Posts: 38 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The 'war of the worlds' was when some of the members worlds started to fight with each other. Since they were worlds they did not fight hand to hand or sword to sword. Instead they threw rocks at each other. Most people call these rocks 'Shooting Stars' and they are very common. This has been happening for a while. These stars are thrown and fall all the time.

There is an even more well known way of fighting each other between the worlds, attacking and abducting the players, people call this 'Random Events.' Random events used to be just us worlds messing with each other by sending monsters to attack people. They were not meant to be used as a way to fight each other, but they were when the war started. The war started when random events, like the Evil Chicken, stopped attacking people, and events, like Evil Bob, started to take people to ScapeRune and other places.

They used to be the only way we attacked each other but it only effected the people playing. After a while we found a way to throw rocks to annoy the worlds themselves. Because I was a free world, I could throw rocks at members worlds and not get hit with any, but I was subject to many random events.

When I was part of the war, I had a pact with World 111, World 48, and World 64. They were all members worlds and were hit by stars. Because I was the only free world in our pact, I would throw a star an anyone who throws a star at them and they would send random events to any world that sends them to me. We all had each others backs.

I was only in the war for six months, after that our pact fell apart.

06-Nov-2011 19:54:30 - Last edited on 06-Nov-2011 21:00:34 by ShylyOddDoe



Posts: 38 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It was during those six months when everything started to go bad. It was obvious that some people did not like the random events that we sent to each other, but that was what we wanted. The point of the randoms was to annoy the people enough to stop going to a certain world. However rewards were given to anyone who finished it, so it was very ineffective.

The shooting stars also did not work very well because the other world would have a creature give rewards to the people who destroy the star. After a while, these both became ineffective but they were all us worlds could do at the time.

However, there was one thing that happened that we did not expect. One day when I was placing revenants in the wild, we were told 5 worlds are going to be removed because of time freezes. It was a sudden shock to me. I have slowed the time to launch stars into other worlds, but I did not think it was a big deal.

We waited to hear what worlds were going to be taken offline and we were all very anxious. Because of the stars falling and all of the random events, all of us were starting to lag. I knew a few worlds that were lagging more than others, but no-one can be sure.

The removal started and one by one we saw worlds disappear. The order of their removal was 55, 118, 112, 122. After 122 was removed there was a pause. I have started to lag and I was not controlling it. I was thinking that I was the last world being removed. I have never been more scared before this.

06-Nov-2011 19:54:30 - Last edited on 02-Mar-2012 21:01:25 by ShylyOddDoe



Posts: 38 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The lag lasted a few seconds. As it turned out, I was so scared that I was causing the lag without knowing it. However because of the slow down, I missed the last world that was removed. The first thing I looked at was the spot where 111 should have been. There was a skip in the list of worlds between 108 and 113. I have looked at it in disbelief.

The first thing I did was search everywhere. When a world gets removed they are sent to another world and they could be anything from ashes to a dragon. However they can only stay in the world they are sent to. After searching everywhere, I could not find him. He was not anywhere, so I knew I would never get to talk to him again. From this point on, I was very sad.

Three days later I was told World 2 has found him. She said 111 was the statue of a warrior north of Ardougne. It did not seem to fit him. He was very kind and did not like to fight, but at least he was not a goblin in Lumbridge, getting killed all of the time.

While my sadness dragged on so did the lag I brought to the people. However, half the time I did not mean to lag or even know I was doing it. World 48 warned me that I could get removed if the lags continued, but I did not listen. The lags continued, and a lot of people did not like it.

The pact that was made between 111, 48, and 64 was still together but loosely. I could tell that 48 did not like 64 all that much and the only reason why they were still part of the pact was because I was the one who was suppose to protect them from falling stars.

Two months after 111 was gone, our pact fell apart when the last thing I have ever wanted happened.

06-Nov-2011 19:54:31 - Last edited on 07-Nov-2011 01:14:39 by ShylyOddDoe



Posts: 38 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
One day a few weeks after 111 was removed, I was wondering how he was. Only World 2 could talk to him because that is the world he was sent to. However, he can only talk to the world once every six months because normally people can't talk to worlds, but since he used to be one, he is allowed 5 minutes to talk with the world he is in. Six months is still a long ways away and no-one knows how many of the worlds will be removed. When you are a world of Runescape, anything could happen in six months.

When I was thinking about 111 and what it must feel like to be a statue, an uncontrollable lag started. It lasted only a few seconds, but it came back soon. It was like this for about 15 minutes and then everything was black. Slowly I began to see blue figures. As I got closer to them I could see they look like people. It was then when I realized where I was.

All of the worlds have blacked out. During a blackout is the only time I can see the other worlds. Well, their souls anyway. We can talk to each other during a blackout. However the worlds that have been transformed put in other worlds are not here.

When I got to the grouping of ghostly like figures I tried to find World 2. However because blackouts don't usually happen, I don't know what she looks like. In fact, I have only seen 111 three times.

I was asking around for World 2, but I could not find her. I have found 48 and 64 but they did not talk much. After about five minutes of searching I have finally found her. I asked her how 111 was, but he has not spoken to her yet. It is hard to tell how a statue is feeling because they cant move at all.

Soon after I have spoken to World 2, the blackout was over... for most worlds.

06-Nov-2011 19:54:31 - Last edited on 07-Nov-2011 03:28:06 by ShylyOddDoe



Posts: 38 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I was watching the worlds return to their normal state. After most of them were gone, I noticed that I was the only one left. I did not know what was happening at the time, but I knew it could not have been good. All kinds of thoughts went through my mind when I realized what was happening. I was being taken offline.

I was worried about what would have happened to me. I could have been turned into a cow and get killed by everyone over and over again, without it ever stopping. There could also be a chance I am turned into a statue like 111 and never get to even have emotions that people can see. I did not think I would have been turned into something that I wanted to be, like a cat, and just walk around and chase mice all day. What ever I was going to be turned into, I wanted to be near one of my friends, or at least in the same world.

After a few minutes I started to see small light blue specks of light. They could not have been larger than an ant and there had to be at least 100 of them. They were all gently floating around me. It was so peaceful. I find it hard to describe with words.

I started to feel myself being lifted into the air and the small specks followed me. I looked up to see a white orb just above me. The orb grew larger and it seemed like I was going to go right into it. I did. Everything was black before I entered this orb, now I am being blinded by the light of this orb.
It was amazing, but at the same time, it was scary.

06-Nov-2011 19:54:32 - Last edited on 07-Nov-2011 22:12:39 by ShylyOddDoe



Posts: 38 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
When I was inside this orb, I started to see fuzzy figures. I could not tell what they were, but some were tall and others were short. Some were moving and others were not. Also the top half of the orb I was in started to turn blue in color and the bottom half started to turn a brown color. I had no idea where I was.

When my sight become more normal, I could see that I was on a row boat. The two men who were rowing the boat looked back at me and asked for my name. I did not know what to tell them, so I told them the first name I could think of; Billy Jones. From then on that was my name, Mr. Jones.

I was sitting in the front of the boat and I saw the ocean with a few islands in the distance. To my left I saw a small town with people cutting down willow trees. As time went on I was taken along the coast, passed miners, fishermen, and Wizards. The boat was brought ashore near people who were mining and fishing near a river. The two men told me there was a small town up the river where I could find people who could help me. After that, they got back into their boat and they rowed away.

It was the first time I took a step onto another world. It was strange. I knew everything, from where the cites were to every monsters strength and weakness to what lies at the very bottom of daemonheim. I even knew some of the people, most were old friends from when I was a world. They must not have had another place to go.

I could not believe my luck. I was transformed into a human. If only I could tell 111. I did not know what world I was in, or even if it was a free or members world. I was wishing it was world 2.

06-Nov-2011 19:54:32 - Last edited on 08-Nov-2011 03:14:26 by ShylyOddDoe



Posts: 38 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
There was no way of knowing where I was until I spoke to the world. However, that wont be for another six months. At that time I had to focus on what I was going to do. I could remember some of the people from when I was a world, but there is no way they would know who I am or what I was. To them, I was just another person they see walking around. I had no way to explain to them who I was. Even if I did they most likely would not have thought it was true. I was all alone.

I have tried mining, but the pick always bounced back and hit me. I tried woodcutting, but the branches always fell on me. I tried fishing, but I lost countless nets and poles. I tried cooking, but I always burnt myself. I think you can imagine what happened to me when I tried fire making. Although I knew how to do all of those, I was not very good when it came to doing them.

Weeks passed and I did not get any better at anything. No matter how hard I tried, I had no motivation to do them. Everyday I thought about my friends who were still worlds. I also always thought about 111. He was my best friend and he was the only person who I talked to everyday. Now, if someone wanted to talk to him, they would look like a fool talking to a statue.

It was at that moment when I realized, I could be in the same world as him without even knowing it. After all, I did not know which world I was in, and I was not going to know until I spoke with the world. However it was not for another few months. Anything could have happened between now and then. I was the first time a world was transformed into a human, so no-one knows where or even if I would come back if I died.

So from then on I tried my best not to be killed.

06-Nov-2011 19:54:32 - Last edited on 11-Nov-2011 04:05:38 by ShylyOddDoe

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