
Into The Void {Manual}

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Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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What is going on here is all the lore and tech stuff that should have gone into the RP, So I am just making a manual so that this stuff is included, so, yeah!

First thing is lore:

AI's: AI's or Artificial Intelligences are installed on most Human, Slorian, and Ikrian Military Vessels, you will not find an AI outside the military, the Human, Slorian and Ikrian Governments heavily regulate the industry. Creating a new AI is very hard to do, both legally, and financially. It is also dangerous, because said computer program now has human emotions and thinks of itself as a person. Legally, governments can seize the life savings of a developer of the new AI, if it goes rogue. And financially it is very costly to develop one. What AI's there are exist solely on military vessels. All civilians use VI's or Virtual Intelligences.

The Alliance: The Alliance once consisted of the Humans, the Slorians, and the Ikrians, back then it was a governmental force that existed as a diplomatic forum for the three races. The Alliance is solely a military organization, consisting of the Humans and the Slorians. The Flugians have yet to be officially recognized as a part of the organization, but that is likely to change in the future.

Bullets and guns: You may be surprised to see that handguns and shotguns are still used in this era, but it is only so with the civilian population. Lasers and plasma are very dangerous and expensive weapons. A single Laser pistol can cost $150,000( 10,000 credits) per gun. Militaries control all development of laser and plasma weapons. They deliberately make these weapons expensive so that most civilians will never buy one. Governments say they do this because treating a laser wound is a lot harder for hospitals to deal with because most laser beams also produce radiation. A victim from a laser wound is likely also suffering from radiation poisoning
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

20-Jan-2016 02:44:13

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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Plasma weapons are even costlier, A plasma pistol can cost upwards of a million credits, If bought on a Slorian world. This is because they are prototypes. Humans and Slorians are still developing them to be efficient. The Ikrians however have used Plasma Weapons for the past 500 years, and since the Ikrians do not share their technology, the weapons haven't been fully developed. Humans are still trying to comprehend using plasma as a weapon. Slorians have developed Plasma weapons, but they are ineffective and tend to overcharge, causing extremely painful plasma burns that will always leave a scar, once healed.

Flugians: These are a race of Humanoid hermit crabs, They have an unrivaled capacity to learn, the entire race learned the human languages in only one month. They also consider humanity to be their saviors, since they were in a global civil war on their homeworld, Sheld*voose (*="d&quot ;)

Humans: Humanity despite being locked in a losing battle for survival, is going through a golden age of medicine. The Slorians are responsible for this golden age, They have constantly come up with cures to many diseases. Mostly because the Slorians, at one point suffered from the some of the same diseases that humans suffer from. Humans can live up to 610 years because of advances in medical technology, developed by the Slorians. Earth is a very polluted planet. The Ice Caps have completely melted (due to humanity's inaction or desire not to change its fuel from oil to solar for economic reasons) Many costal regions have been submerged underwater. However there are also many recent engineering disasters that have contributed to Earth's ecological demise. Despite being extremely polluted, Earth can still support life, but just barely.

Biotics: One such Engineering disaster happened on Christmas Day, 2074 in Which an Ikrian carelessly dumped Radioactive and toxic Tarsha into the drinking supply of the Western United States.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

20-Jan-2016 03:15:05

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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This made the water supply undrinkable, this disaster killed 3 million people, but it had a side effect that was most unexpected. Those that survived the poisonous and radioactive water developed biotic powers. Biotics is a very rare phenomenon, it relies on the subtle or obvious manipulation of the brain, the manipulation of bodily functions, or the telekinesis and hurling of objects at speed and force that an ordinary human cannot achieve otherwise. Human estimates say that only 1-2000 people have the talent. Unsurprisingly, humans exhibit great fear of biotics, and actively persecute them worldwide. There was a point of time, in the Middle East, where Biotics could be killed with impunity. Biotics do not usually find a job in any industry, businesses have the legal right to discriminate against them. The only place where a biotic can make a living is in the military. Militaries see, in biotics the potential for a super weapon, and so here they flourish. Biotics are sometime experimented upon by military scientists.

Ikrians: The Ikrians are a species of sentient slug. They are 1000 years more advanced than humans, and 500 years more advanced than the Slorians. They come from an autocratic and fascist government not unlike Germany in the 1930's. Slorians place great value on honesty and integrity in their culture. However, they colonize any planet that can sustain them, so if you find a tropical paradise world, chances are that you'll find an Ikrian colony. Ikrians have one more reason that they colonize the way they do: Propaganda of the state. Technically they have a Prime Minister, but he has been in that position for the past 70 years, and has total control over the government, and the people. Most regard him as a war criminal. Ikrians live for up to 120 years, Ikrians have no desire to prolong their natural life span, their religion states that life is around because the spirit needs to suffer to go on to the next stage.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

20-Jan-2016 03:15:32 - Last edited on 21-Jan-2016 02:14:36 by Pink 4 Twink

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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Plasma Vs. Laser weapons: Plasma and Lasers require vast amounts of heat and radiation tp be lethal as they are. The main difference betweem the two is the conduit from which both weapons draw their power from. Plasma Weapons need only a plasma core, which is usually the weapon itself. It requires no ammunition, instead, the weapon siphons its energy from the core of the weapon. Lasers on the other hand require batteries. Any old battery could, in theory be used. Lasers thus require no ammunition, provided that it has a power source. There are two problems with lasers that mitigate their usefulness, however- its tendency to overheat, and the tendency to require more powerful power sources the more powerful the laser is. A laser with the power equivalent to that of an atomic bomb would require a source of power with an equal amount of power as an atomic bomb. There is a point where a laser weapon has to draw upon all the energy of its power source to simply operate. Plasma is a bit different. Plasma weapons do not overheat, they run out of charge. An electric current is all that is needed to charge such a weapon.

Slorians: I get the feeling that a lot of you believe the Slorians are like the Krogan in Mass Effect. This is not the case. Slorians are lizards that resemble humanoif iguanas. Their scales are bulletproof and laser-proof to some extent, their main weakness is explosives. Slorians have four genders, the only known species that is poly-gendered. In Slorian culture, the male gets the short end of the stick, since the females impregnate the males. This may sound strange, but on Earth, seahorses do the same thing. The Males tend to be a lot more mellow than the females, they have higher pitched voices and sound effeminate. Female Slorians are what most people imagine when they use the word "Slorian" Females are brutal, reckless, arrogant, brave, loyal, barbarically violent, berserking hulks of muscle that will stop at nothing
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

21-Jan-2016 02:10:47

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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to destroy their foe. Male Slorians are smaller than the females, but are still massive compared to the humans.

(Slorian) Proflites: Then there are the Proflites, these are Slorians that resemble a female Slorian, but they are a deferent gender altogether. Proflites are born with both male and female organs, but they have no control over when they get pregnant, so essentially, they are hermaphrodites. Their first pregnancy begins at around age 11 and they lay about 400 eggs. Which is more that a male Slorian lays at any one time in his life. Slorians usually have to kill the Proflites, because they would overpopulate their colonies if they were allowed to live.

(Slorian) Dalatram: Finally there are the Dalatrams. These are Slorians who have no reproductive system, they are much smaller than your regular Slorian, they are even smaller than a male, they stand at 3 feet tall and are lean and skinny. Dalatrams, however hold authority over all Slorians. The Dalatram Council dictates everything from reproductive laws and traditions, to when to the clothes a Slorian wears on any particular day.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

22-Jan-2016 19:24:57

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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(Slorian) Culture: Slorians, unlike the Krogan, in Mass Effect, did not nuke their planet, They are not a feudal warlord society forged out of nuclear fire. Rather. they live in tribes on their homeworld of Kablaska. Each tribe has an elder. She leads autocratically the other Slorians worship her as a god, A Shaman. She provides religious support, meaning she tells them to trust their leader and storyteller, She likes to embellish stories about the Elder as well as an entire garrison of trained guards. All the guards are female. Kablaska does not have many cities, they prefer to live in the forests hunting and gathering. Tribes attempt to absorb other tribes either through war, or through diplomacy. There are obvious advantages for a smaller tribe to be absorbed into a larger tribe. Smaller tribes occasionally absorb larger tribes, when the larger tribe's leaders and offspring are inept. The Elder gets her position from her mother, as does her mother's mother before her, But All the tribes have an original founder, who established an official tribe by winning a tournament, It is usually a fight to the death against other potential tribe founders.

One other reason the Slorians should not be confused with the Krogan, is that their weaponry does not rely on brute force ballistics. Slorians rely on speed and precision, rather than stopping power, they do not use Gasoline, like the Flugians, their sun is the only fuel source they use. This is a solar powered society. On other Slorian controlled worlds, they have aircraft that uses Solar energy to power itself. There is a schism between the Slorian culture on Kablaska, and the ones on other Slorian controlled worlds. For one, Slorians on other worlds Have gone from absorbing tribes for resources, to developing their own through corporate means. The Slorians boost five more wealth than the United States does on Earth.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

27-Jan-2016 19:33:54

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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There also appears to be a schism as to which weapon each gender prefers. Females prefer to blow things up from a distance or power through up close and personal, so they like explosive ordinance and rocket launchers and shotguns (of the laser variety) Male Slorians seem to prefer precision, so they use laser pistols, laser sniper rifles, and any gun that uses precision. Proflites, if and when they are found prefer to get as much ammunition fired as possible, they like laser Machine guns. Dalatrams, despite their size, are quite strong, and prefer to bash and smash enemies with anything they can find.

Slorian religion: Slorians believe that inviduals do not have a meaning for existence at first, and that each individual must strive to find meaning for his or her existence. 82 gods exist that help Slorians along their way to this stage of finding one's self. Slorians travel far and wide searching for inspiration, they are a very artistic people. (at least the males are. The females just want to smash things for a living) there is one other aspect to the journey, they self mutilate, as they also stress that the Slorian must suffer pain, as well. Which may confuse you as to why they worship their elders as gods. The Elder is below the gods, even she is spawned from them. But the Elder is born with the authority of a god, and is thus worshiped as one. Once one finds what they are looking for in life, they are free to do whatever they want with the time they have. There are no sins, no rewards in the afterlife( they do have an afterlife but it is dull. Essentially they just sit and do what they did in their previous life for all eternity.)

It is not about being a good person or a bad person. it is about finding one's self and improving it, and perfecting it. The Religion puts such an emphasis on perfection, that anything with an imperfection is cruelly cast aside. Items, and people. Everything must be done perfectly, or not at all.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

29-Jan-2016 05:31:12

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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Flugian Civil War: The Flugian civil war was really a world war, which began when A Flugian slave guard deserted and organized a rebellion against the Flugian's oppressive government. in 1863, the Flugians had embraced Democracy, centuries before humans, but the Flugians had not introduced checks and balances for the democratic city states of their home planet, Sheld*voose. For a time the Flugians did not need a system of checks and balances, as the Flugians were not willing to abuse their authority. This mindset died a generation or two later. When an elected Flugian named Shelbraccus Pinchites raised an army of 280,000 Flugians (this is quite a large number for Flugians at the time), and invaded city-state after city-state, absorbing the conquered armies into his, and eventually established a worldwide Flugian empire. This empire would become notorious for Flugian civil rights abuses.

While the World Wars were raging on Earth, the Flugians were once again enthralled by despotism and monarchy. Slavery ruled the day. Though Shelbraccus died 20 years before his dream for a united Flugian race was realized, his eldest son, Sheldius took his father's throne. All of Sheldius' advisors were slave traders. 82% of the population were slaves who did everything from making finery for the nobility, to Weapons which were thrown into wagons guarded by heavily trained Flugian soldiers and carted off as soon as possible.

The Flugian people endured Slavery for over five centuries. In 2500,Finally the engine that supported the government ceased to exist, When a slave guard named Pinchparticus deserted, released the slaves, trained them, and slowly but surely recaptured city State after City State.The first city state to fall was the city where Pinchparticus once worked as a slave guard: Pinchmacedonius. Pinchparticus organized the assassinations of Pinchmacedonius' nobility before they had the time to act. One by one the nobility fell in that city.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

31-Jan-2016 23:36:18 - Last edited on 31-Jan-2016 23:53:50 by Pink 4 Twink

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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Of course, some Flugian nobles escaped from their city to warn Shelsiseus. Shellsiseus declared a state of revolt, and began building his armies, and sent forth his 17,000 reserve troops to lay siege as a way to keep Pinchparticus busy while Shellsiseus built his forces. For a few days, all hope for victory seemed hopeless, But five day before the siege, battle horns sounded that were not Shelsiseus' armies.

The Arrival of Pinchpastonia: The horn that sounded was that of the City-state of Pinchpastonia, a further 18,000 troops arrived in the city, and settled in for the siege. Pinchpastonia always supported those who opposed the empire, As such, there have been may attempts by Shellsiseus to wipe them out. At one point, Pinchpastonia's entire population was starved into submission, and subjugated as slaves after a siege. Pinchpastonia waited for an opportunity to strike, and waited for one city state to revolt, which it would then support. For a time, the other 127 city states on the planet waited to see who would win. The next few days saw the Flugian rebels fortifying their position

Allocating resourses: Some of the city states, did not want to openly help Pinchmacedonius, in terms of crabpower manpower, but opted to sell resources at incredibly low rates. Pinchparticus received some of his resources for free. This included Balistae, and rock chuckers, catapults, and Enough food and water to last for up to five months, salt, weapons, armor, bricks ( for fortifying and for using as ammunition for rock chuckers), mortar, rocks( ammunition for catapults and rock chuckers) Barrels for storing arrows and food, nearly 81,000 arrows, and of course, shells, uniforms for Pinchparticus' men. They did not embrace the red painted shell outfit that the Flugians wore later on in the war, they wore black and grey painted shells.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

31-Jan-2016 23:36:38 - Last edited on 01-Feb-2016 00:22:35 by Pink 4 Twink

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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Many Flugians believed that Shelsiseus' Army and his Allies would win Shellsiseus' had ten three times the army that Pinchparticus did. Shellsiseus had more supplies, he had the advantage of being the attacker, rather than the defender. All may well have been lost for Pinchparticus had Shellsiseus' allies not became lost in a thick fog that lasted for several weeks. This fog saw to it that Shellsiseus' allies were lost to him.

The Siege of Pinchmacedonia (dispositions and decisions): If anything, the Siege of Pinchmacedonia was the siege that would decide if the other Flugian city states would join in the conflict, and thus begin world wide civil war. Shellsiseus wanted to prove that the state triumphs over the individual always. It was to serve as a lesson to all would be rebels, that the Flugians could never triumph over the forces that ruled them. To the rebels, It was the opposite: That the state cannot treat its own citizens as slaves, and that the right to govern comes not from birth, nor merit, but rather from the consent of the governed, that Ordinary Flugians can triumph over an oppressive force, no matter how hopeless the struggle is.

Shellsiseus commanded 17,000 Flugian soldiers, his reserves, under the command of Pinchgeneral Pinchites Pinchemius, A great military commander from the Quell of Pinchpastonia. Pincgeneral Pinchemius was faced with a dilemma: Should he wait for his Allies, or press on with the attack, and attempt to cut off supplies. Pinchparticus commanded 20,000 Flugians and built traps for the enemy, pitfalls with sharpened spikes, covered in feces, Pinchparticus felt invincible.Pinchgeneral Pinchemius was known for using this tactic, He though that this is what Pinchparticus would anticipate. Rather he pressed forward with an attack, he instead prepared to set the city afire with torches and burn the defenders out.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

04-Feb-2016 04:37:43

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