
Living Crime

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Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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A new Humerus bone form out where his old one ended in his left arm, connecting with his Radius and Ulna bones. Muscle, nerves, and veins stretched out from under the open skin and headed towards the other half of his left arm, going and/or ending where they were originally. All was in perfect place, seen to all of the world, until new skin formed. It stretched across to the other side of his arm until completely concealed.

Modello didn't even flinch through the entire process. His eyes and face remained entirely emotionless. Moriah's hands stop glowing green, returning back to normal. She drew in breath, filling it into her lungs, then slowly exhaled out. "There..." she mumbled, exhausted. "All done."

Modello looks upon his newly healed left arm, moving his hand close towards his face. He knelled down next to the dead body of the soldier who killed Daniel and grabbed onto his longsword with his left hand. The sword was about two and a half feet tall, but it was pretty light in Modello's grip. He stood back onto his feet and looked towards the castle of Iericho, where the enemy waits.

"Let's go." said Modello.

A smirk grew to the corner of Lite's left cheek. "Yeah!" he said, excited.

Modello's glance turned to Moriah. "Moriah," he called.

Moriah's attention turned from her exhaustion and onto Modello. She had a bit of a look of confusion and curiosity. "Yeah?" she asked.

"Thank you..." he thanked.

Moriah's gulped down saliva hard, utterly shocked by Modello. Her whole face went blush red. She rubbed the back of her head. "Y-y-you're welcome!"

Alena giggled a closed-mouth chuckle. "You're blushing, Moriah."

"A-am not!"
The end
is only
the beginning...

03-Aug-2010 20:19:33 - Last edited on 03-Aug-2010 20:20:40 by Serene End

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Allister closed his eyes and smirked. "Come on, you dorks. We have work to do." stated the prince. After Allister's words, the group headed into the giant gates leading into the castle of Iericho. The group entered the castle, with Alena the last person to enter. She felt this incredible cold chill pass by her, like as if somebody walked by her. She halted in her footsteps, stopping just after entering.

She closed her eyes and turned her head behind her, to see Daniel. Once her head was facing the direction of Daniel, her eyes open. Daniel's body was still there, but Alena can't help but to feel impending doom following her. She couldn't stop thinking about this feeling, this incredibly hateful and cold feeling that just brushed across her.

It puzzled her mind, binding with so many questions. "Just what exactly was that?" she asked herself.

"Sis!" yelled Allister from behind her. "What's the matter? What's holding you up?"

Her head turned over to her brother. She shook her head. "Nothing!" she replied, running back over to her comrades. "What on earth was that?" She seemed to have kept this to herself, but the feeling of uncertainty creeped all over her skin, crawling on her like a thousand bug.

But as she hasted away from the gates, they slowly and silently begin to close. But as these gates closed, a hooded dark phantom is seen standing over Daniel. His glowing red eyes glance upon the protector's face. Until both slowly faded away into nothing.
The end
is only
the beginning...

03-Aug-2010 20:23:22

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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In the throne room, the most northern room of the entire kingdom. Tamir, the vampire lord of Iericho, sat on his throne chair. The backrest of the chair was about twenty feet, on top of it was a symbol of sorts. It was a black diamond, with a vertical line crossing into a horizontal line. In the center, where the two line cross, there was a small filled in circle.

The main colors of the throne were green and black, but there was a slight trimming of red. A black and green ten foot carpet lead to his chair. Tamir sat in his throne, his facial expression showed his anger and fury. "I do not have time to waste upon you, Richard," he said. "No matter if Lord Zin demands it, he must realize that Zion's body is not the easiest to recover."

"Have you not recovered it?" asked Richard, who's back leaned against the back of Tamir's throne chair. His hands were crossed together, pressing against his chest. "Surely that was what you intended when you went into the Catacombs of Zion."

"We ran into a bit of difficulty." he replied, his voice full of frustration. "Lord Zin will just have to find it in himself to forgive my failure."

Richard let out a incredible laughter. It echoed across the entire kingdom, so the group of Avdima was able to hear it echo and bounce from each wall. Richard ceased his laughter a minute later. "Do you really believe Lord Zin will ACTUALLY forgive you!?" said Richard, amused. "Or do you still intend to 'control' all the gods? Do you lie about this difficulty to masquerade your true intentions?"

"I do not lie about what I have said, Richard." replied Tamir. "And I do not intend to control the gods. My loyalty lies with Lord Zin. Nothing more, and nothing less."

Richard shrugs his shoulders. "Whatever you say," replied Richard, but then another conversation took his mind. "I'm assuming you already know that the Descendant of Zion is on his way, correct?"
The end
is only
the beginning...

03-Aug-2010 20:27:33

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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"Hmph," said Tamir. "It needn't matter about that pitiful child. He's a waste of time."

"You're saying that our greatest enemy, Lord Zin's twin brother, is a waste of time?"

"The boy himself is a waste of time, until he's able to tap into Zion's power, he is a waste." replied Tamir. "Besides, why not just use that boy's body as a host for Lord Zin?"

"Hmm..." thought Richard. "That might work to burrow your failure. I suppose you're not a complete failure to Lord Zin, Tamir."

"Watch your tongue," stated Tamir. "It needn't matter if I am a 'failure' to Lord Zin, I brought a suggestion that may work."

"Hahahaha," laughed Richard. "You actually believe Lord Zin doesn't already know about that little 'suggestion' of yours?"

"What exactly do you mean by that, Richard?!"

"Heh heh heh," continued to laugh Richard. "We're never truly alone, Tamir. He watches us like an eagle waiting to strike."

"What are you trying to say?"

"He's here, Tamir," said Richard, a smile bred across his face. "Lord Zin is here."

Tamir jumps out of his seat, staring directly behind his seat, where Richard was. "You're lying...!" yelled Tamir. "Zin couldn't possibly be here...!"

"Why the frown, Tamir?" asked Richard. "I thought you would be happy to know that Lord Zin is here. Unless, of course, you truly haven't pledged yourself to him."

"I-I have!"

Richard stood on his own, without his back supported by the back of the throne chair. He walked about two steps from there he was originally was. Just so Tamir could see him. "Have you?" asked Richard. "Show me it."

"Show you what?"

"Oh, you're telling me you don't know?" replied Richard, walking closer to Tamir. "Where's your mark of the pledge?"

Tamir looked away from Richard, his teeth grit together. "..."

"Well?" asked Richard, getting right in Tamir's face. "Show me it!"

"I...don't know what you're talking about..."
The end
is only
the beginning...

03-Aug-2010 20:30:32

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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"Aww...that's so cute. Somebody doesn't have a markie-mark." said Richard, in a cute, childish little voice. "I suppose your fate is in Lord Zin's hands. Have fun with that." He puts his right hand on Tamir's left cheek and taps it four times with his four fingers. After that, Richard walks away from Tamir, disappearing into nothing a mere five steps later.

Tamir grit his teeth tightly, his hands clenching tightly. "DAMN IT ALL!!!" roared Tamir. "Zin shall not have me. I have the power of the gods at my side, and even he cannot defeat me. I am the RULER!!"

"Lord Tamir!' yelled a voice from the background. Lelia and Vincent rushed towards their master, out from the large, twenty-five foot doorway into the throne room. "What goes on?"

Tamir shuffled his eyes over to where he heard the voices. He inhaled air, filling into his lungs, and then let it out as a sigh of relief. "Zin," he replied. "He causes me nothing but trouble."

"What is that you called us, sir?" asked Lelia.

"Rally our soldiers," commanded Tamir. "We have cockroaches that need to be exterminated."

"The soldiers of Avdima, right?"


Vincent shook his head. "No..." silently saying Vincent. "I will not oppose them..."

"Excuse me?" growled Tamir, his voice raised. He threw his left hand out in front of him. It began to glow red. "Who is your master!?"

Vincent grit his teeth, dropping onto his knees. He latched his right hand onto his head. He let out silent cries of pain and sorrow. An incredible pain surrounds his head, it felt his head was being crush underneath ten walls. "Please...!" cried Vincent. "Stop...!"

Lelia grew angered. Her teeth grit together, and her eyes grew intense. She drew her black blade quickly, and pointed it towards Tamir's throat. "Let him go, right now." demanded Lelia. "I'm not afraid to slit your throat right now."
The end
is only
the beginning...

03-Aug-2010 20:32:44

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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"Haha, you deluded fool," replied Tamir. "You cannot kill me, remember?"

"You think I won't try?"

Suddenly, a one-foot dagger flies straight at Tamir. The dagger hits straight into Tamir's left hand, right through the middle of his palm. Blood splats out, dripping onto the floor. Tamir grit his teeth and clenched his right hand onto his left. He knelled down on the ground and watched the blood just rush out of his hand. It dripped onto the black carpet.

His left hand stops glowing, releasing Vincent from the grip of death to entangled him in an endless suffering. Lelia dropped beside Vincent, knelled down next to him. "Are you okay?" she asked, concerned. "Yes..." he answered. Lelia's head shuffles over to where the dagger was thrown, and her black irises look onto the one who threw the dagger, Modello.

His right hand was out in front of him, his emotionless eyes glance only on Tamir and him only. He doesn't even look upon the one he just freed from suffering or Lelia. Moriah stood beside Modello, a confident smile on her face. "Nice throw, Modello." she complimented.

Allister and Alena rushed over to Lelia and Vincent, their footsteps echoed loudly across the room. Once right by the two, Alena knells down in front of the two. "Are you okay?" she asked. Vincent shook his head. "Yes..." he mumbled. Lite, Varon, and Bart entered the room just behind Modello and Moriah. Their weapons were drawn and ready to fight.
The end
is only
the beginning...

03-Aug-2010 20:34:41

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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(the rest of the bits are unedited. I'll edit them later.)

Tamir grew incredibly angered. He ripped out Modello's dagger from his palm and slammed it down on the ground with incense. Blood cried out from the open wound, pouring onto the floor. His vampiric eyes glare heavily onto Modello. "You..." growled Tamir. Tamir charged at Modello, his footsteps heavy and furious. "SHALL DIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!!"

"Stay here..." mumbled Modello to everyone.

Bart sighed. "Please be careful." said Bart. "Forscythe doesn't like the look of this." Modello charged towards Tamir, drawing his sword with his right hand along the way. Modello ran much faster than Tamir, about nineteen miles an hour, his footsteps weren't so loud. Once close enough, Modello swings his sword at Tamir, but the vampyre dodged the attack, jumping to the left.

Modello quickly reacted to this, clenching his left hand into a fist. And quickly swinging his fist at Tamir as he was jumping to the left. Modello's fist hits Tamir right in the face, on his right cheek. The small spikes on Modello's glove cut straight through the vampyre's skin, sending blood dancing in the air.

Tamir is sent straight down onto the ground, his body crashes onto the ground on his left side. The left side of his head whiplashes against the black carpet. Tamir sat back up only to realize a blade came close to his throat. Tamir grit his teeth in anger. "Damn you..." growled Tamir, raising his left hand, it glowed red. "Ziiiiiiion!!!"

Modello quickly reacted, swinging his blade straight at the vampyre's glowing hand. Modello's blade cuts right through Tamir's skin, cutting right the veins, muscle, and cutting right through his Radius and Ulna bones, and cutting right out the other side. Modello had literally cut off half of Tamir's left forearm. Blood flew into the air like a bird as the lost half of his forearm flew ten feet where Tamir stood.
The end
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the beginning...

03-Aug-2010 20:36:41

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Tamir yelled in pain as he watched the blood rush out where his lost limb once was. Modello pointed his blade toward Tamir's throat. "Now you know what not to do." mumbled Modello.

"Damn you!" yelped Tamir. "Damn you to hell!!"

"Damn me to hell if you want," said Modello, raising his sword. "Be sure to greet me there."

"No!" yelled Tamir. "I will not die!!" Tamir raised his right hand in front of him, it quickly bursted into flames. "Fear the flames of the god of chaos!" His hand suddenly explodes into a huge blast of flames. Modello backflipped into the air just before the explosion, leaping back eight feet. He landed firmly onto his feet, his leather boots landing flat onto the black carpet.

Sparks of heat shatter across the room. And an huge cloud of smoke bursts throughout the room, engulfing the vision of people. But, in the midst of the smoke and chaos, the echoes of mad laughter instill fear into everyone. "HAHAHAHAHA!!!" madly laughed Tamir. "Come, Zion! Find me! Find me!"

As the mad laughter couldn't be withstood anymore, as it echoed into the ears and hearts of everyone. It finally ceased. The smothering smoke slowly began to clear, steady giving people their vision. Everyone looked towards where Tamir once stood, and as the smoke cleared, a picture became more clear.

They watched as fresh blood poured onto the black carpet. But it was just a puzzle, unable to be figured out. That was until the fog of mystery had finally dissipated. The result was shocking.
The end
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the beginning...

03-Aug-2010 20:37:19

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
There was a giant hole in Tamir's chest, right where his heart would be. And his heart was gone, literally gone. Tamir had his dead look on his face, his mouth hung open and his eyes were widened. His arms dangled down lifeless, and his legs shook. Until his lifeless body dropped to his knees, and then flat on his front side.

Just behind Tamir was a hooded specter, glowing red eyes bled from just under his hood. Tamir's bleeding heart in this phantom's semi-transparent right hand, it still had a lively pulse as it danced in his hand. Blood poured onto this shadow's hand, dripping down onto the carpet. Everybody's eye were widened in this utter terror.

Modello grew a look of intensity. "Zin..." he growled, silently.

"L'odio è nato," said Zin. "And with this death begins your damnation."

The End of Chapter 17,
Next Chapter,
Chapter 18: Zin's Return

Thank you for reading, I appreciate it. ^_^

~Serene End
The end
is only
the beginning...

03-Aug-2010 20:37:53

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