NEW CHAPTER Pl0x.........................why does it take so long to write one? Is it because your too busy with your real life, might I suggest you buy a day planner!(Yeah I know I'm back yada yada) But if you are just fresh out of ideas, I'm not going to give you any, and I also like cupcakes and brownies. I bake with my Easy Bake oven, which actually only cooks plastic food which is kind of a rip off and I read a news report saying if you eat lots of tomatos and carrots your skin turns orange isnt that interesting, I always thought it was kinda funny specially when they showed a picture of an orange guy whose faced looked like a baboons, look how long this sentence is without any periods so far I wonder whose still reading this and I wonder when it will be that I finally get my Raven Egg and get a pet Raven because that looks tight and when I get enough charms for level 70 summoning I'm getting a Zamorak Raptor because Zamoraks the best runescape god because after reading this story with both an evil Guthix(In the anti world anyways) and the non-suprisingly evil Saradomin(ok a bit suprising) the only good guy left is poor Zamorak, who did I mention btw awesome cape and hood at Castle Wars and dude I love this story I was wondering if you could add any new chapters yet, I just got 62 wood cutting isnt that fascinating, I was just wondering to myself if a wood chuck could chuck wood how much wood could a wood chuck chuck, the answer of course being probably a decent amount of wood Im good at riddles and such and made up one of my own,
knock knock
whose these
banana who
banana juice
ahahahahhahahaaahah, funny I know and anyways I should probably wrap up this lengthy conversation because I really do not have much time, have a lovely day!
28-Jun-2008 06:42:50