63 – A Rude Welcome
Can you define fear?
That crawling sensation
On the back of your neck?
Can you describe sorrow?
Pain, not in your body,
But in your soul?
Can you explain death?
The overwhelming greif
That srikes you like a hammer?
Can you accept evil?
The darkness, the haunting,
The soul clenching horror?
Can you understand balance?
The light of the world,
and the darkness of it too?
Can you even try?
A red dragon lay upon a rock, basking in the heat of the lava. Slow bubbles formed and burst, releasing sulphuric fumes into the air. The lava seemed a living cut upon the land, stark and red while all the rest was hardened like a callus. It would never heal. Another bubble burst with a sluggish hiss of gas and the dragon opened a lazy eye in time to see a figure walk past. The figure flickered through the heat of the lava and seemed to bend constantly, its head and body dilating and contracting. The dragon closed its eye and shifted its wings to a more comfortable position. The smell of sulphur filled its nostrils and it drifted into sleep.
Zezima did not see the dragon but he did smell the gasses as he passed Red Dragon Isle. He covered his nose with a sleeve to stifle the smell of rotten eggs. The gate was around here somewhere…
A short walk north brought him to the wrought-iron fence which bordered the level 49 Wildy and past which, so far as he knew, no noob had yet been able to penetrate. A short stroll east and he was at the gate. It looked just like the rest of the fence and swung open easily at his touch. No matter how he looked he saw none of the signs of an army around the gate. A slightly compressed trail marked where generations of elitist feet had stepped, but no new dirt was overturned. No runnels that were the fingerprint of an army’s passage marred the land. The noobs had not been through here.
27-May-2006 22:05:48
- Last edited on
27-May-2006 22:09:22
Azure Sunday