page two lol big history lol.
Anything about any other Star Wars groups you were in and how you were affected by them: jedi first learned ways of the force and made the light sabers still carried, mandalorian where he learned how to truelly put his abilities into a good fight and got his night impregnible armor.
Parents? Siblings? Someone you loved? What were they like?:
Anyone you looked up to and about them: tal vod ninja
How you turned Sith(Or were you always Sith?): was given the choice life or death
Favorite/Signature Force Powers: shatter point which means he can see the faults in things and exploit them wether they be plans or people, phase which lets him move through solid object, manipulate plans thats self explanitory, protection bubble which makes a bubble that prvents most things from entering and , morichro which lets the user either slow his vital signs to the surviable minumum or anyone else he feels like
Lose any limbs? How? not for this one
Emotional Scarring?: can be a cynical pestimistic jack ass if in a bad mood because he is so intuned to the fractures of life around him due to his ability to use shatterpoint
Anything else juicy: not really
Other: is left handed (small i know but this is a big thing with me) and a fan of messing with mechanical stuff and has a high sense of honor
Planet you were born on?:tatoonie
Do you lean towards more weapons oriented, Force oriented, or somewhere in between?: a mix of both using his force power to trip and trap his opponets then finishing them off with his blade but if he can and his enemy is willing to it love a good honor duel where only thier blades/blaster talk with no force used at all.
Any secrets?: would kill the emperor to protect those he precieves as tal vod if he didn't already see most of the sith as his new aliit (mando for clan tribe family)
Anything you want me to include: if there is a possibilty i want a epic mock fight between me and ninja and you pick you think would win.
27-Mar-2011 18:53:40