okay, i think some of you forgot what happened last time...
"wow, that was an awesome duel... congrats man" said moose man
"Ya, good game." said professor t.
The hacker glanced at the clock, 10:30, he was seriously late for work. But he continued to look at the computer screen.
"Wait a minute." said moose man, and professor t began to have a bad feelling about this.
"You're a mod!" shouted moose man, "that means, you are-"
He logged out, leaving professor t slightly bewildered.
Professor t didn't know what to say, there was only one reasonable explanation for this, moose man had to have been in the rogues of arrav.
But then, that meant that there were alot more hackers than he had planned possible. He had send a letter to jagex...
Dear Jagex,
. Upon Playing runescape for a long time, and being a moderator, i have noticed a hacking and stealing, rule breaking society known as the rogues of arrav. They have organized themselves into what is not a clan, but a ******** group. I think that this takes a high priority as i do not know how many of them there are but my guess is that there are at least 200 rogues of arrav, all highly trained scammers and hackers.
Please do something.
-Professor t.
18-May-2006 19:28:50