
<Z> The Children of Zaros <Z>

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Post 20
The man walked towards the three, crossbow ready. He had three coils of rope. Skye swung her Scimitar at the Man. The man grabbed Skye's arm, stuck it behind Skye's back, grabbed Skye's other arm and tied Skye's hands. He did the same with Ryan and Chris. The three walked for hours until they reached Catherby. It was midnight, and nobody was awake. Seeing he couldn't do what he wanted, the man tied the ropes of everyone to a Runite Stake, hammered into the Dock made from Oak Logs. He returned with a big steel cage, big enough for everbody to fit. He opened the cage door and threw everyone in. Then jumped into the water, pulling the Cage with him. The man swam towards the entrance to the Zarosian Camp.
Ryan was lossing air as the light from above faded as he disappeared into the deep, dark, blue water. Then they were in the camp.
He faced a leather chair that was turned away from him. "Nice job Oric," said the man in the chair. "Now you can go."
"Go? What about my payment?"
"Aw yes, your payment, come with me." A pale figure stood up from the chair. The man's black hair was long and he continued leading Oric into another room.
"Here it is," said the man. He pointed his finger to a box. Oric opened it and what he saw... was unimaginable.
He saw a Darkbow, Rune Claws, Full Rune, Black Dragon Hide, Dragon Arrows, Weapon Posion, Millions of Coins and a Dragon Two Hander.
"All this?" asked Oric.
"Its all yours," replied the man.
"Sweet!" shouted Oric in loud voice. "Oh yeah, I'm rich, Woot!" Oric then stood beside the man's chair, and the man sat down.
"No greetings," said the man. "I am Clone, an experiment that was made during the Third Age. I've set out to find the place where I belong, but not until all god followers are destroyed. Everbody follows a god, so I will not rest until everbody is dead."

19-Aug-2007 22:06:44



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Post 21
"You'll never get away with it Clone," said Skye.
"Oh yes I will, I have Zamorak's Best Soldier and Three Zarosians. Two of which are Zaros' Children." Clone took a drink from his glass of water.
"What are you drinking?" asked Ryan.
"The blood of an elf. Nothing better," replied Clone. "Oric!" he yelled.
"Yes sir?" asked Oric.
"Drown them."
"Yes sir." Oric began throwing everyone into the Cage. Chris raised his Flail and brought it down.
Oric dodged to the side and pushed Chris into the Cage.
'Oric has strong hands' thought Chris. Oric then took the Cage outside. He threw them into the open sea.
Ryan pounded on the Cage door. There was a lock made from Rune holding the cage door. Ryan tried picking it. No success. Ryan turned to see Chris kicking at the cage. He drew a hammer from his belt when suddenly....
He was out of air! Chris was having a very hard time moving now. He dropped his hamer and collasped to the Cage floor... dead.
Ryan screamed and grabbed Chris' hammer. He smashed it upon the lock. It was still shut.
"No!!!!!!!!" screamed Ryan. All Skye could hear was bubbles coming from Ryan's mouth (I know they have been breathing for awhile and most people would be dead but hey, its a book).
Suddenly, Skye and Ryan heard something. They looked up and saw a Title Wave heading towards Catherby.
Ryan pounded on the Cage door as hard as he could. With one last try, he kicked the Cage door using the power of Zaros, breaking the Cage door.
Ryan and Skye kicked for the surface, leaving Chris behind. They broke the surface and swam towards Catherby. In the distance they saw a Title Wave.
Ryan ran into his Dad's house. He saw his Dad's head turned to the pillow. "Dad, wake up!" he yelled. He turned his Father's head and Ryan gasped.
In his Father's Face was a Dragon Dagger, and some posion was on it. Ryan saw black fog come out from under the bed and it took human form.

19-Aug-2007 22:07:24



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Post 22
It was Zamorak's Spirit. "You should've saw this coming Son of Zaros," said Zamorak and he drew a Dragon Longsword. Zamorak laughed and raised his sword.
Ryan couldn't see anything inside Zamorak's hood, but he could see one thing. It was pure evil. Zamorak's Dragon Longsword looked extra sharp, strong enough to pierce through Dharok's armour without a problem. Zamorak raised his sword...and brought it down.
Suddenly, Zamorak vanished and an arrow was on the ground. Ryan turned and his eyes saw the Archer from the Mole Lair.
"Boy, we have to warn everyone!" Ryan followed the Archer. He saw the Wave very close now, almost striking the Renegade Knights tower (do Merlin's Crystal to find out more about them).
Ryan looked up at Camelot, to see it destroyed. King Arthur cried in front of somebodies body.
"What the hell did that?" asked Ryan.
"I destroyed it. I'm known as Scar, the Castle Destroyer." Scar ran to the dock and jumped onto a boat.
"What are you doing?" asked Ryan and he jumped on board.
"Heading towards it. Lately lots of Title Waves have come since you were gone. Zamorak controls all. I can destroy one I bet." Scar steered the ship towards the Wave.
Suddenly, Zamorak's face appeared on the wave. It said, "RuneScape shall fall and I shall rise." Suddenly, Ryan saw a Rune arrow being shot at Zamorak. It struck Zamorak's nose, and the wave crashed to the water. A powerful force came hurtling towards Catherby, and anything that was standing was knocked over. The ship began to fall over. Scar said, "Hold your breath boy!" And the ship toppled into the water.
Ryan swam for the surface. He broke it and swam for shore. Scar came out of the water and said, "Carry on." With that, he walked towards Seers Village.

19-Aug-2007 22:07:49



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Post 23
<Z> Chapter Six <Z> The Elf
A hooded elf in white robes stood before the door to enter Baxtorian Falls. This ancient place was named after an Elven King named Baxtorian. Baxtorian died with his wife, Glarial, and they're statues were locked in the Waterfall.
With a deep breath, the Elf opened the door and he saw water rushing towards him. The water smashed into the Elf's chest and he was knocked into the water three hundred feet below. The Elf muttered, "Not again." He climbed ashore when a Mystic Air Staff was at his neck. "On your feet," said a man. The Elf obeyed and faced the man. The man was dressed in White Mystic. The Elf concluded this man was a powerful mage. The mage had wrinkles on his face. he was about seventy-five maybe? The Elf was 9999, and tomorrow he would be 10000. The mage said, "Who are you?" The Elf took off his hood be reveal the face of a girl. Apparenty we had thought she was a man, but she was a girl. The Elf reached into her sheath to draw a sword but the mage was faster. The mage's air staff was at the Elf's neck. The Elf said, "Your strength is nothing to me." She then drew a longsword. A Longsword, made from Elven Crystal. The mage yelled, "Wind Blast!" A Blast of wind was shot at the elf, and she was sent flying into the door, deeper into Baxtorian's Dungeon. Pleased, the mage began walking back to Ardounge. Suddenly, the mage felt a sword cut into his Mystic Robes. The Elf said, "What's your name? Speak quickly." The mage said, "Trendo. I was asked to find you by someone."
"Whom may that be?" asked the Elf."
"Adam, the new King of Ardounge. He wants you to fight Tyras near Western RuneScape."
"Thanks, but no thanks." Revan continued up to the Baxtorian and maybe access the Waterfall Dungeon.

19-Aug-2007 22:08:24



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Post 24
Revan looked back to see Trendo, disappointed. Suddenly, Trendo charged at Revan. Revan drew her Crystal Sword and sliced at Trendo. Suddenly, barking could be heard and Hellhounds surrounded the two. They had been ambushed. A figure emerged from a shadow. It said, "Well, well, well. Looks like I have two."
"Oric," said Revan.
"Oric, who's Oric?" asked Trendo.
"His Master Clone pays him to bounty hunt for him. Did you know Oric comes to Isafdar daily to get Elf Blood for Clone to drink?"
"Stop that this instant!" snapped Oric. "Now Clone wants to see you. Its wise you come, and you to Old Man." Oric drew a rune Crossbow and fired a bolt at Trendo. The bolt piearced Trendo's stomach, and the bolt dug deeper into his human flesh.
"How could you do such a thing?" burst out Revan.
"Whoever pays the most money gets what they want." Suddenly, a Hellhound leapt at Revan. Revan dodged and sliced the Hellhound in half. Revan charged towards Oric. A Hellhound knocked Revan over and cut her lip, and Elven Blood poured out her lip. Fighting for her life, Revan dived head first into the lake and swam for shore.
"After her!" commanded Oric to the Hellhounds. Oric readied his crossbow, and when the moment came, he fired.
Ryan and Skye were in Seers Village. Scar had left right after Catherby's destruction and now they were alone again.
"What should we do now?" asked Skye.
"What do you think we do, get the Tablet Pieces," said Ryan.
"Well where could the Saradomist Army be?"
"Possibly the Tree Gnome Village?" said Ryan.
"We need to track them down."
"First we should head to Lumbridge for supplies. Hurry, we must go immediatly if we are to reach Lumbridge by nightfall."

19-Aug-2007 22:09:05



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Post 25
So they reached Lumbridge, and it was pure black. Nothing could be seen, but Ryan heard the sounds of nature coming and going.
"Skye," he whispered as quiet as a mouse.
"What?" she whispered back.
"Head to the General Store," replied Ryan. She nodded and walked down the street, hiding in the shadows. She opened the door of Lumbridge's General Store and found a Hobgoblin, stealing from the shelves. The Hobgoblin leapt onto Skye. It drew a dagger and before Skye was dead, the Hobgoblin's head had disappeared. Ryan had killed it. Skye grabbed a bag and Ryan grabbed supplies they would need. They then left to Al-Kharid. They walked for an hour until they reached the Shantay Pass. Shantay and his guards were asleep, so Ryan and Skye creapt out into the open desert. Ryan had ropes, waterskins, knives, all they would need. He saw footprints on the ground. "Skye," he whispered.
"What did you find?" asked Skye.
"Footprints," said Ryan. They followed the tracks until they saw legs in front of them. They looked up, and saw a Saradomist. This was not a Mage, but a Warrior. The Saradomist leapt at Ryan. Skye swung her scimitar through the Saradomist's stomach, chopping it in half.
"They're close," said Ryan. He and Skye ran forward until they saw a camp of Saradomists. Goblins were tied to polls, and they were dehydrated in this climate.
Skye and Ryan saw a Tablet Piece floating in the air. They looked down to see a Saradomist practicing his magic.
Ryan drew his yew shortbow and fired a Rune Arrow at the Tablet Piece. The Tablet Piece was shot far away.
"What was that?" asked a Saradomist.
"We lost a Tablet Piece!" The Saradomists ran the direction it was lost. One Saradomist stayed behind to watch over the camp. It accidently bonked into Ryan. It grabbed Ryan by the throat. Skye swung her Dragon Scimitar at the Saradomist's neck.

19-Aug-2007 22:09:36



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Post 26
The Saradomist ducked and punched Skye's nose. Skye sunk to the ground. Ryan sliced off the Saradomist's arm and it howled in pain.
"What was that?" Ryan heard a voice call.
"The Camp is being taken!" yelled a Saradomist. Then Ryan and Skye were surrounded by the Saradomist. One Saradomist said, "Why are you here?"
Ryan and Skye looked at each other. Ryan said, "We are here to take your Tablet Piece."
The Saradomists laughed. "Children, the only thing these do is keep Zaros out of Gielinor. They're useless other than that."
"Well we need them," said Skye.
"And why is that?" asked a Saradomist. Skye and Ryan looked at each other again. Ryan said, "We are the Children of Zaros. I am Ryan, this is Skye."
"Zarosians are not aloud in Gielinor. You must be gone."
There was a silence. The Saradomist said, "But then again, you are Children."
Suddenly, a figure came into the Camp and Hellhounds surrounded it. Ryan saw it was Oric. "Oric," he said.
"Didn't I kill you?" asked Oric.
"You killed one of us. Revenge feels good." And in a heart beat, Ryan let fly a Rune Arrow. Oric threw a back kick, and the tip of the Arrow struck Oric's rune boots, doing no damage. Oric drew a dragon two hander and so did Ryan. Skye drew her scimitar. The Saradomists prepared.
Ryan lifted his sword into the air and brought it upon Oric. Oric dodged and swung his sword at Ryan's throat. Ryan ducked and punched Oric's neck. He then leapt on top of Oric and punched his face. Blood streamed down Oric's face and onto Ryan's hands. Oric threw Ryan off him, raised his sword and brought it down upon Ryan's leg.
"NO!" screamed Skye. Oric leapt at her. Skye sweapt her dragon scimitar into the air, and sliced at Oric's body. Oric dodged, landed and ran.

19-Aug-2007 22:09:54



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Post 27
Oric ran as fast as a fox towards the Shantay Pass. He ran past Shantay and his Guards who were just setting up for the day. Oric saw Shantay's Guards after him.
'I have to get back to Clone, and fast,' thought Oric.
Ryan awoke in a bed. He was in a very hot climiate.
'Still the desert?' thought Ryan to himself.
"I heard that." A Saradomist entered the tent. "Feeling better?" he asked.
"Yes, how long was I out?"
"A week," replied the Saradomist.
'A week!? C'mon, it was just a leg!' shouted Ryan in his mind.
Skye entered the tent. She wore a cape made from a very interesting material. She wore a cape made from the Scales of a Blue Dragon. She had a curved, purple sheath for her Dragon Scimitar, and she had a Mirror Shield slung on her back.
Ryan exited the tent a few minutes later, still in his normal, dirty clothes. He walked towards the Head Saradomist and said, "I think me and Skye should head out soon."
"I agree, your armour is in that tent," said the Saradomist and pointed his finger to a big, grey tent. Ryan gulped. It looked as if it were haunted, and nobody had set foot in it for years. He walked towards it and entered.
Ryan saw a Saradomist, sharpening a steel longsword. He had Saradomin Armour and Saradomin Staffs in the corner of the tent.
Ryan said, "H-Hi."
"Hello Ryan, I hear you are in need of armour?"
"That's right," replied Ryan.
"Well I have the thing. Come with me." Ryan followed the Saradomist to the corner of the tent and he revealed a pair of almost invisible robes.
"Woah! What are those?" asked Ryan in amazement.
"I'm not sure. They are somehow related to Zaros. They are yours now."
Ryan took the robes and put them on. He was almost invisible. The Saradomist said, "Perhaps the Warrior needs a new weapon?"
"What have you got? I have lots of Melee Weapons, but perhaps I can have some runes and a

19-Aug-2007 22:10:37



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Post 28
New bow?"
"Very well," said the Saradomist.
A few minutes later, Ryan left with his Dragon two hander rested on his shoulder, a dragon posion dagger strapped onto his belt, a Mud Staff, runes and a crystal bow. He was set for life.
Skye came up to Ryan and said, "Hey-woah! What happened?"
"I got a makeover," said Ryan.
"Ready to set out?" asked Skye.
"Yes," replied Ryan.
"Before you do," said the Saradomist as he walked over to Ryan and Skye, "Take this. Its the Saradomist Tablet Piece. Bare it well."
With that, Skye and Ryan left the desert. Skye asked, "One more Army to track. The Guthixian Army." Ryan saw a group of Guards surrounding a man. Ryan walked over to the action to see Oric caught.
"What were you doing this morning?" questioned a Shantay Guard.
"I just came out of the desert. What's the big deal?" asked Oric.
The Shantay Guard raised an eyebrow. "Shantay does not remember giving a Pass to you. You are going to jail," said a Shantay Guard and he dragged Oric over to the jail at the Shantay Pass.
Suddenly, an image climbed into Ryan's mind. A voice said, "Hello Ryan. I am Revan, an Elf from Isafdar. I have heard of you fighting Oric. He has taken me to Clone's hidout. Save me," and the voice faded away.
"Ryan? Ryan?" said Skye.
"We have to get to Clone's base," said Ryan and he marched towards Kandarin.
"Why?" asked Skye.
"An Elf named Revan is in there. I must free her."
So they walked for hours until Ryan dived into the salt water from Catherby and swam towards the mouth of Clone's Lair. Ryan was in the room where he and Clone had met. Clone was not there. Ryan saw a prison cell. A woman with pointed ears and an old man were in it.
Ryan broke the cell door and blasted the woman and man out. They returned to the shore of Catherby.
"Revan?" asked Ryan.
"Its me Ryan, it's Revan."

19-Aug-2007 22:11:22



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Post 29
<Z> Chapter Seven <Z> Clone's Plan
Clone showed a chart. The Council of Clone's Empire sat on chairs. He said, "I have called you here because Oric has been captured and Revan and Trendo have escaped. Revan and Trendo left just hours ago, I do not know who bailed them out, but I bet my life it is the Children of Zaros. Now I sent Oric to the desert to find the Zarosians, but I have heard nothing from him. Possibly he made it away from the desert and was caught by the Shantay Guards or maybe caught by a God Army. Anyway, first we shall rescue Oric, and then we find the Children of Zaros, Revan, Chris and Trendo."
A man named Jio said, "Sir, I believe the armour of Verac is at the bottom of the Ocean, it seems Chris died when they were in the cage."
"Well all the better," smiled Clone.
Jio said, "Sir, I believe fighting Revan, Trendo and the Children would result in a great loss of numbers."
"Hmm," muttered Clone. He starred at a black board and on the white letters explained their whole plan. Clone erased it and said, "What's your idea Jio?"
"Well, what I suggest is that we kidnap the boy's old friend you saw in Varrock with the Saradomist Army. Then, you attempt to send an image into his mind of what you shall do to him if the boy does not come."
"And what will I do to the man?" asked Clone.
"Kill," replied Jio.
"Interetsing plan, yet I think it is better then mine. Luring them into our territory is better then we coming to theirs."
Jio stood and bowed as if he were head of Clone's Council. He then sat back down.
"Council is dismissed. Tomorrow we set out for the man and then get into the Boy's head."
Jio began leaving.
"Jio, stay." Jio closed his eyes tight, opened them and turned to Clone. "Yes sir?" he asked.
"Would you like to lead a group of scouts to capture the man?" asked Clone.

19-Aug-2007 22:12:00

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