As do I, Mitch. Here's hoping to spark up the old flames with the reintroduction of this guild. Perhaps the lot of us "oldies" should throw something together? I haven't been around as long as most of you, but I've been around long enough to see quite a bit.
=To join as a reviewer=
Who are you?: Your third cousin twice removed. In all seriousness, look at the name on the left, or Mitch as Capt so promptly named me.
Can you honestly review pieces of work without bias?: Definitely
Why should I let you help me run my guild?: Why shouldn't you?
You know my reviewing skills. I don't think I'll let you down.
Will you contribute as much as possible? We do need real helpers here!: Of course.
I'm fine, Leb.
I really don't have any excuses, to be honest.
Funny you should mention the HoF entries, lebbeh, because I was just working on that. It's a bit of a problem, because the current hall of fame sticky doesn't have enough reserve posts on it. It may need to be re-posted or something.