Chapter 9 – Gnomes? What Gnomes?
Suddenly crossbow bolt’s were chopping up the ground as the group dived into the bushes. The gnome messenger was hit and killed instantly. Taran got hit sword and rune armour ready. Ransar equipped his “Longeye” Crossbow. And Emmerai got her staff ready. She and Ransar started to shoot at the enemy while the others and Taran fought off the ones that got to their position. There was too many, the RCR were in trouble. Where was Karenzi?
Creed grinned as Tanis walked up beside him. “Going well, Commander?” Creed turned to face him. “But of course. Now Tanis, you, Corporal Death Fire and Private Dimytri will escort Rasguld into the Strongh – Whats that sound?” They looked up to see Taran sprinting out. He performed a flip over the crossbow bolts and landed on his feet. Then he leaped in the air and went for a swing kick on Tanis. Tanis dodged and punched him in the shoulder. They both got in combat position. Then the men around them loaded their crossbows.
Creed stepped in. “Hold your fire! This is a personal duel, of nothing but honour. You will let them be. And if the RCR man wins, let him go.” The fight ensued. Before long they were both tired, and Taran tried to swing his 2H into the head of Tanis but missed. Tanis grabbed his leg and flipped him over his shoulder and brought his crossbow up. “Say goodbye, scum.* Then he stopped. Karenzi stood atop a hill with a trumpet. “Kiss this, murderers! You’ll pay for taking Yanille!” Creed grinned and decided to make use of this fun. “You and what army, young fool?” Karenzi sounded the trumpet like you see in those Napoleonic War films. The gnomes poured over the hill and Creed’s smile turned into a frown. “This isn’t as easy as I thought.”
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13-Nov-2007 08:17:03