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"As flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods, — They kill us for their sport". (King Lear Act IV, Scene 1)
~<>~Ardhonmeth: Top Ten Story - Fred's Collection~<>
~*~*Ardhonmeth, Sixth Best Story -- Story Awards 2007*~*~

Hey, I'm Poller.
Now fully revised and edited, this is my tale of the end of time, the distant future whither heads the world even now, for not even the gods can last forever.
Within the mists of the future lies Ardhonmeth, the Gielinorian apocalypse; venture on, dear reader, and discover the truths of that most fated of events...

24-Nov-2007 22:31:43 - Last edited on 23-Jul-2011 09:50:17 by Poller5

Dec Member 2023


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Of all the ages of the world, the seventh was prophesied to be the darkest.

The end of the fifth age had been marked by the return to the land of Zaros, and for all the sixth age terrible wars were fought over the sovereignty of Gielinor. Great was the wrath of Zaros, matched only by his terrifying powers over magic and his hatred for the gods that had banished him to the void.

His vengeance was swift: Zamorack did not see the second dawn of the sixth age. For years the remainder of the gods attempted to defeat him, but to no avail. Armadyl’s staff was broken, and soon too was the god. To the land of her elves Seren fled, in hopes she might protect that race most dear to her. Saradomin led the charge against Zaros, but at the battle of Mærdîn was defeated utterly: of the one million two-hundred thousand men that fought beneath the banner of the four-pointed star, a mere three and fifty survived; Saradomin himself was cast down, his ruins smote upon the slopes of Mærdîn, a memorial to the might of Zaros.

Of the gods still extant, Guthix was the most powerful, and thus it was that the final battle was fought between those two gods in the shadow of Gûrmindon, which once was known as Ardougne. Such was the might of the clashing deities that the armies pitted against each other were of no more significance than ants upon a mountain; both were exterminated in the first moments of the battle. Upon the plains of Thaurtalaf, an area spanning three hundred miles south of Gûrmindon, the greatest display of sorcery ever witnessed was performed by the warring gods: such was the might of their magic that from the ground valleys and mountains were carved larger than any others upon Gielinor. Finally, and ultimately, was Zaros victorious, but he did not have the might to destroy his opponent; he imprisoned him deep within Amon Gador, an ancient mountain with a history tied to the gods themselves, with spells that left him weary.

24-Nov-2007 22:31:48 - Last edited on 16-Jun-2013 07:44:58 by Poller5

Dec Member 2023


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The imprisonment of Guthix was the final victory of Zaros, the end of the second God War, the dawn of the seventh age of Gielinor. Only Guthix and Seren of the gods of old survived, though the might of Seren had gone to protecting her elves: she had become scarcely more than one of them herself. Varrock alone of the old cities remained, and in tribute to its history stood as Zaros’s capital. New settlements were built on the ashes of the old, and many people led decent lives, but the men and women of Gielinor lived in constant fear of their new, and only, god.

Part I – Of the Elder Dragons

Guthix paced his cell slowly, doing much the same as he had done for the long years since his imprisonment. He had no contact with the world without, no sign even that such a world continued to exist. He sighed audibly, before stopping at the edge of his cell and looking at a small crystal that had been overlooked by Zaros when he had imprisoned him.

It was a crystal of Seren. Within it still shone a pale light, a beacon of hope, for so long as light glowed, Seren was yet alive; but even at the apex of her might she could not have challenged Zaros. Guthix alone had that power, but locked within the impenetrable depths of Amon Gador, he had no scope to challenge the Empty Lord. Long had he fought against his constraints, blasting away at the walls of his cell in a rage of sound and fury that, for all his might, signified nothing. He was, now and forever, trapped.

Silently, he continued his pacing.


Seren walked slowly through the land that now belonged to her and her people, Calbendôr, a pale shadow of the land in which her elves had once lived. In the past century she had expended such a vast amount of her power to protect her people that she wasn’t even sure if she could defeat the best of them in a magical contest.

24-Nov-2007 22:31:57 - Last edited on 16-Jun-2013 07:45:08 by Poller5

Dec Member 2023


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She sighed, but there was nothing for it; should the elves be destroyed, her life would be but a shell, devoid of any and all meaning; she would have nothing, be nothing.

As hard as her life had become, she could wish no surcease to it; her power, weakened as it was, remained the only ward keeping the dark might of Zaros from breaching her hidden refuge. The elves lived in complete isolation, and while many still called Calbendôr home, their number dwindled with the years, sorrow and despair overcoming their noble spirits.

Those that remained were thereby all the more precious, and she could not rest for fear of attack, for Zaros still saw her as a threat, a reminder of a time when he did not reign unchallenged.


Legends spoke of mighty dragons that took to the Gielinorian skies in the primordial days of yore. These, the mightiest of the fire lizards, were known as the Elder Dragons, and were older than the world itself, tied to the land in ways that Guthix, who had indeed seeded life upon Gielinor, could but dream of. In ages past they were feared and hunted, and so they hid themselves in the dark recesses of the world deeper than even the gods might search.

For millenia they slept, and in the third age of the world a young elf named Amartele spoke a prophecy that fell into silence and yet echoed across the planes, and it was thus: “The great beasts of the sky have been grounded, and the world lives without them. But eternity is not in the fabric of the land, and these beasts shall awaken to herald its closing; as harbingers of doom they shall fly again. Their return shall be the first sign of Ardhonmeth, the end of time.”

In sleep the dragons remained for a further three ages, until ten and one hundred years after the imprisonment of Guthix under the mountain. They awoke then to a world much changed from that from which they had withdrawn, and were slow to effect their return.

24-Nov-2007 22:32:02 - Last edited on 16-Jun-2013 07:45:18 by Poller5

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For six and twenty years they monitored the land before they decided that the time for revelation had come, and so they returned in glory to the skies they ruled in ages past and would rule again. Thus was fulfilled the first part of the prophecy of Ardhonmeth.

Part II – Of the Freeing of Guthix

Zaros sat alone on his carven throne, and not for the first time wondered at an ancient prophecy he had heard, coming to him as a whisper on the wind during his purgatorial centuries: “And the Empty Lord shall rule the lands, but as empty as their lord shall the lands be. His reign shall be great, but within the scope of his existence it shall be but the blinking of an eye. Seven score years after his rise to power shall he be challenged by an old foe, and this confrontation shall be the second sign of Ardhonmeth.”

The prophecy was self-evident, or so it seemed to him. Each day that passed he wondered of it more, for if it held any truth then he had but five years left as sovereign lord of Gielinor. It spoke of an old foe, and he knew of two who fit that description, but only one who could with candor be called a challenger: Guthix. Their final battle had been bitter and close, so much so that he could look on another contest only with trepidation. Should Guthix somehow free himself, Zaros’s reign would indeed be compromised.

He sighed in frustration, his mind running in the same circles it ever had before, onwards to the same conclusions, forth from nothing, on to nothing… The dim sound of stone upon stone drew him from his reverie as Azzanadra forced open the great doors of his throne room. “My lord,” his sibilant voice carried through the empty room, “there is something… A new presence within the world. A new player in your games of power.”

“What?” Zaros gasped. He slumped backwards into his throne, and only his indomitable will stopped him from panicking as the worst thoughts raced to the forefront of his mind. “Tell me that Guthix is not free.”

24-Nov-2007 22:32:07 - Last edited on 16-Jun-2013 07:45:34 by Poller5

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“He is not, and so we have a great enigma,” Azzanadra answered. Zaros looked down upon his most faithful servant with a mild curiosity.

Alone of the mahjarrat, Azzanadra had remained loyal to him through the ages of his imprisonment, and though he endured his own punishments, he had still been closer to the dealings of Gielinor than had his lord for many millennia.

“What are your thoughts?” Zaros asked, his voice held flat, to disguise a growing fear.

“My lord, I have none. This makes no more sense to me than it does to you. By your leave, I shall take mine.” Zaros nodded him away absent-mindedly; Azzanadra exited silently, leaving the god to his cerebral silence.


Three and ten of the Elder Dragons there were, and as one they flew forth from their ancient lair of Îdh Amlug to the prison of Guthix within Amon Gador. At the ancient mountain they awoke their primordial might and from their mouths spewed fire such as had not been seen since the formation of the world; and the magical weavings and dweomers of Zaros failed in the wake of that terrible immolation. In triumph Guthix arose from the shattered mountain, a wrath terrible beyond beholding flashing in his ageless eyes. Thus was fulfilled the second part of the prophecy of Ardhonmeth.

24-Nov-2007 22:32:12 - Last edited on 16-Jun-2013 07:46:10 by Poller5

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Part III – Of the War of Might

Such was the nature of the freeing of Guthix that it could not be concealed from Zaros. In fear, he mustered beneath his banner the largest army seen since the battle of Mærdîn. Guthix, though, had no followers from which to muster an army, for the people of Gielinor had long since been turned against him: Zaros's lies told that Guthix had started the second God War, and that Zaros had come as the champion and saviour of the people.

The army of Zaros met Guthix upon the rugged terrain of Thaurtalaf, and the irony was lost not on Zaros. The Elder Dragons for Guthix flew, and thus the battle was fifty and one hundred thousands against only four and ten. Guthix was terrible in his wrath, and in the ultimate declaration of his might appeared as nothing more than a butterfly, his trademark form from ages past. Around him the Elder Dragons fought as a tempest of fire, their primeval might unmatched by any that opposed them.

The conflict was sudden and terrible, and soon the forces Zaros were utterly destroyed as well as four of the dragons, victims of Zaros’s fell poisons. Nine dragons and Guthix met with Zaros, Azzanadra, and the rest of his high command upon the summit of Gûrmindon. Zaros’s might was undeniable, and five of the dragons fell unto him, but his high command was laid to waste by the surviving three before Azzanadra intervened, bringing down two of them.

Thus in the end only Guthix and the greatest of the Elder Dragons, Ûrbeleg, were left to fight Zaros and Azzanadra; so the final battle was joined. For a full cycle of the moon it lasted, upon the slopes of Gûrmindon, mystifying and terrifying all those who bore its witness. Azzanadra was the first to fall, followed closely by Ûrbeleg. To the end Guthix fought Zaros, and the very fabric of the world around them was torn by the might of their power and fury.


24-Nov-2007 22:32:17 - Last edited on 16-Jun-2013 07:46:20 by Poller5

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Seren felt the disturbance in the world as Guthix was freed, and knew the time was come to return to the world at large. She gathered her elves to her and told them all that she knew, and requested their assistance in the coming war. None were ordered to come, but the love they bore for their goddess was such that none stayed behind. It took them a full score of days to reach Gûrmindon.

As the elves and Seren ascended the mighty hill they witnessed such a show of might that each was stayed in wonder. For days they watched the battle rage back and forth, neither god backing down from the deadly dance, their magic carrying its ceaseless beat. Lost in their series of intricate steps, neither god noticed Seren’s arrival.

On the eighth day of the elven vigil, fate seemed to turn against Guthix. Faltering after a particularly heavy attack, he was sent flying backwards, and the elves watched in terror as spell upon spell was rained down upon him; he could do nothing but shield himself, and delay the death that was surely to come.

As Seren watched Zaros knock Guthix aside yet again, rage stirred within her chest and guided her to action. Slowly she walked forward, pained to watch Guthix suffer such injuries at the hands of a god so abhorrent. Raising her hands, she called upon whatever sorcery was left to her and unleashed it upon Zaros; Guthix in the last second saw her, and casting aside his defensive magic redoubled his onslaught on the Empty Lord. Seren’s blow, unexpected as it was, distracted Zaros just enough that his shield faltered, and then was overcome entirely as Guthix’s magic shattered it. Enveloped in the whiteness of pure magic, dissolving into the aether, the last thing he ever heard was the grim voice of Seren, ringing with the gravity of death: “Thus is evil ended.”

24-Nov-2007 22:32:22 - Last edited on 16-Jun-2013 07:46:30 by Poller5

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Seren then ran to Guthix, who now lay upon the ground, his form shimmering feebly. Guthix attempted to rise as Seren approached, but collapsed again as she neared. “Seren…” he gasped. “I am dying. I feel the touch of extinction, the grasp of oblivion, calling to me. I cannot deny it; too much of me has been expended.”

“No!* Seren screamed. “You… YOU must survive!” Driven mad by the sight of his broken body, she shrieked and pounded her fists upon the shattered ground. “I won’t let you die!” In a fit of madness and desperation, she laid her hands upon him and poured forth the last of her immortal powers.

“No, Seren… no..." Guthix gasped, his voice cracking with sorrow.

“I must… save… you…” came Seren’s words, fading into the night as her body crumpled to the ground.

Guthix uttered a wordless cry of sorrow, knowing that she had given him all of her divine essence: she was ended. Her sacrifice, bitterly, had been in vain; her power could not sustain him. With his dying words, Guthix uttered “The last of the gods shall fall, and that day shall be marked evermore as Gûr’arad. Then the sun shall kiss farewell to the horizon in the east, for there shall be no morrow. Gielinor will be engulfed in darkness and all that is living shall fail. At the departure of the final soul from the world it shall be torn asunder; thus is wrought Ardhonmeth, the end of all things.”

24-Nov-2007 22:32:27 - Last edited on 16-Jun-2013 07:46:39 by Poller5

Dec Member 2023


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Part IV – Ardhonmeth

The day after Guthix died upon Gûrmindon, his prophecy came to pass. A young elven girl was the last soul upon Gielinor, and though she understood not the significance of the event she died with the grace befitting one of her race. In death she was alone and yet also surrounded by all those that had gone before, elves and men and dwarves and all things that had ever been, and though all was silent she heard the symphony of the dead heralding her on. She closed her eyes, and as her spirit fled the dying world, life upon Gielinor was ended.

With that the great seas spilled up onto land and volcanoes spewed forth their molten wealth. The ground groaned and shifted, and with a heavy crack, Gielinor was rent asunder by a power greater than any of the gods that ever inhabited it. The two halves of the world disintegrated and collapsed into the void that was eternity, and there was nothing.

24-Nov-2007 22:32:32 - Last edited on 16-Jun-2013 07:46:48 by Poller5

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