"Each day that passed he wondered of it more, for if it held any truth then he had only five years left as the sovereign of Gielinor."
-- Put a comma after 'truth'. This one you can tell the introductory phrase easily, like you can with 'after'. Instead of 'after' here, however, the key words are 'if' and 'then'. Anytime you use that combination, you need a comma for sure.
"In fear Zaros mustered under his banner the largest army seen…"
-- Here the introductory phrase is very short. The comma goes after 'fear'.
"After a fierce battle the foreces of Zaros were utterly destroyed as well as four of the Dragons…"
-- This is an 'after' introduction again. Watch out for these. The comma goes after 'battle'.
These are most of the examples I found. There were a few other introductory phrases, many of them containing 'after' or 'if' and 'then'. I'll let you look for these so you get some practice with them.
Description [36/40]:
Your description wasn't bad at all. In fact, I quite liked it. In this story, it would have ruined its feel, its mood had you delved into the detail too much. You had enough for me to get a general picture and a few of the specifics.
For example, you describe the armies a little bit, telling us how many troops there are and what type of troops to some extent. But you don't describe all the sparkling shields and weapons which, in this case, is good because it would have felt out of place in a history type of story. However, there were places where a little bit more description would have been helpful.
08-Jan-2008 03:10:29
- Last edited on
08-Jan-2008 03:12:18