It's not my fault he pushed my buttons and lit my short fuse. Heck you got it worse. He called you a girl. But I'll stop now. I'm sorry Siig for causing trouble in your eyes.
Apoligy very much accepted. I totally understood your point, but if it'd escalate (like him responding****-lighting your short fuse and escalating further) a mod would have been needed to delete the various posts. I don't like mods on my threads unless they're commenting
OH GOD!-tackledhuggedpounced-hey there.The news is it seems my account is unlocked but by someone else and I know the person from school.Sooo ill get it back soon YAY
Oh, Siig have you ever had an Icelandic Salmon Crepe? That was on the menu at this crepe restaurant I went to today, but since I'm not a big seafood guy I didn't eat it. Seeing as you are Icelandic, I wanted to know if you ever had one and if they are any good.
I probably disappeared before you came.Ive been with Joppi and Siig since nearly the beginning but ive been in hard times.The account I was refering to is Fullonguthix.It was hacked then locked and then unlocked by a guy that goes to my school and now he has it.