Sit back and let me tell you a sad tale; a tale of why a Jmod can't "buy a gf"
You see Jmods are very special creatures. Each rare. Unique. One of a kind. And such have very special powers.
But, those power come at a high price.
For starters, they can only trade with other Jmods.
So a Jmod can't go around giving gold and shinies to buy the love of others.
"But Jmod's have special powers?" you ask.
Yes, quite true. But they can't just use those powers for you.
If a Jmod abuses those special powers and get caught by the other Jmods. Then they will lose those powers:
"Then they won't be a Jmod anymore?"
That's right little one. If they aren't a Jmod anymore, then they can't afford to buy a gf.
"So then, how does a Jmod buy a gf?"
Well, my dear reader, simple. They don't. They have to get a gf (or bf) a different way ... by being themselves.
In time, if you want a gf (or bf) yourself, you'll also need to just be yourself.
04-Jun-2017 17:19:24