“In what way? Cecaniah felt her curiosity sparking to life. This was the spell that had protected her for what seemed forever, until the day those brutal assassins descended upon their forest sanctuary. She remembered her mother’s beautiful face, the seemingly visage of a good spirit, twisted perpetually in pain—the final snapshot of the horrors brought not only by a blade, but a lifetime of suffering. For her. Cecaniah forced back those thoughts and listened once more to the words of Margred.
“I believe you deserve to live, Cecaniah. It is not, and never will be, right for Lord Baron to kill such an innocent babe, now a beautiful young woman, just because of her birth. It is not your fault that you are born of royalty, nor does his faults should be laid around your shoulders.” Margred explained first. The wisdom in those sky-blue eyes, she knew, transcended her understanding of the world. “As you know, during that time, you had many relatives who were also blue of blood, and they were slowly being eliminated in the society. The men of your family, being used to luxury, impregnated many a women and so news of a royal newborn was common. The spell I meticulously wove around you made”—Margred flashed a cunning smile—“them think you were just born.”
“Why, all the time. Whenever they found some bit of information about you, a possible heir to the throne, they perceived you as a newborn. When you were three months, two years old, six years, eight years old, they were all still searching for a baby, in spite they had been searching for years, in spite they had known you for so long. They were all looking for a newborn, rather than a pretty girl with hair as red as flames and eyes like the ocean.”
“Due to this, until you were eight, I was able to hide you in front of their noses. It threw off everyone’s calculation by eight years; anyone suspecting you as twelve years old or fourteen would not know thatin reality, you are in your twenties."
13-Aug-2011 14:20:51
- Last edited on
13-Aug-2011 14:52:30