
The Tale of a Legend

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-------------------The Tale of a Legend---------------------
By Zorcon40
I have had many requests of my entire Runescape story for when i've told short glimpses of it many have grown with excitement at the trauma that has taken place in my lifetime, i'm going to warn you that the roleplaying battles that happened ingame will be depicted as real battles and i'd quickly like to thank a list of people:
Rose 2110
Big guy 3000
without these people i wouldn't have this story.
Signed on the eleventh day of the month of novenwrath.

10-Nov-2009 14:42:22 - Last edited on 10-Nov-2009 14:45:01 by Zorcon40



Posts: 356 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This tale begins like most life stories do...
Once upon a time in a land most peacful... but i could not say that as i think back to the time, it was not peacful, warriors in glistening armor would run by at any given moment, name would be called and it was a fight to survive.
the town I Lived in was named after the bridge wich crossed over the River lum, yes, thats right, i started out like all the rest... in Lumbridge...
My story is very confusing... to tell you the truth... i never grew up in lumbridge... Lumbridge was my second home... My name is Karil... I grew up south of Falador on a farm with the other 5 of my brothers, until the time when the gods waged war against each other. the 6 of us went out to fight, we defended citys... castles and towns... until the final day of the demon hordes from the evil one Zamorak... we fought as hard as we possible could, but there were simply to man of them. Ahrim, our brother, saw what was happening, frantically he placed a spell upon us to restart our life... but all spells have a bad side... as the demon hordes overcame us... we were teleported to different spots on the world... and we all lost our skills. Finally at lumbridge it seemed like all hope was lost, when i'd end this miserable life of name-calling and fighting with the other players in the city of Lumbridge. a man named Wolfy997 came to me, a warrior with a heart for lower creatures like myself, asking for my levels i prepared to be scorned and mocked. but i wasnt... he simply went to his bank and returned with a set of Iron armor... Armor fit for a warrior... and unsheathing a iron sword... he handed them to me... sealing a mark of friendship between the two of us we created a group with just 4 people in it, Unfortuntaly i dont remember all their names, i remember myself... wolfy... and a man named XAvalangeX but my memory is blank about the other one. But soon-afer... we were seperated

10-Nov-2009 14:44:04 - Last edited on 10-Nov-2009 14:58:48 by Zorcon40



Posts: 356 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
By this time wolfy had helped me get a suit of black armor, and i felt prepared for what laya head... I had no idea how wrong i was. Passing the gate... i entered Al-Khraid Rumor had spread of a clan meeting here... i walked into the palace to the top floor... I was greeted with a knife at my throat, I quickly explained who i was and that i wanted to join, and then they explained what i had been dreading... they were an assassin's clan... and if i really wanted to join i could, but it would be my own decision, i made up my mind quickly and joined... my first mission...
they explained that i was to kill a man named Jadeth2559, he could be found at his house at thsi time of day, suposedly... this was his first house party to ever have...
so with that information, I headed for the town of Rimmington... and quickly found someone advertizing a house that was having its first party ever.
entering the house i decided to take a suddle approach... i went to the parlour to find a beautiful young woman sitting in a chair, i glanced around the room to find no sign of the man i had come for. i sat down next to her... she eyes me curiously and no words were shared for some time thoughts raced through my mind, could this be my target? or was it someone else? looking at her again i ventured to speak... "I'm Zorcon... most just call my Zor... whats your name?" it seemed like a pathetic guesture... but it was all she needed. "Rose 2110..." she began then glanced about the room, she was looking for something too i began to think.
"what are you doing here?" i begant ask...
she went silent... "hiding..."
"from what?" i questioned, she sighed then let it all out.
"i'm the Queen of Varrock... i must keep that a secret from some people who seek to destroy me. at the moment, i'm being hunted..."

10-Nov-2009 15:09:01



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the words rang in my head... she's being hunted!? could she be my target?
"by whom?" I ventured to ask,
"an Assassin..." she began then stopped... "several of them..." she concluded then stood up, their in the house, her face was white with terror. Drawing a sword she stepped to the threshold of the room, glancing around i stood up. a shattering noise came from behind me, a man in all black came out of nowhere, Katana's in both hands he flew foward with stunning speed. Flicking my wrist down a long knife shot out replacing my third finger. I lunged foward slamming my hand into the flesh of the man, retracting my blade i drew my sword doing a series of strokes killing him quickly. Spinning around to find rose by the door. I couldnt let her get away. as Quickly as i could I went after her. she was already out of the house running out of rimmington, but I was on her heeles. "rose!" i screamed after her some twenty feet behind, she was headed toward Falador... Whispering the ancient words of a teleport spell i appeared in Falador just as she ran by. but this time it wasnt just assassins after her, White knights were everywhere, swords drawn running in her direction. then suddenly, she stopped, flicked her sword around and began to fight, my Assassin's blade was replacing my ring finger and stabbing through a knight's armor before i could think, replacing the knife i drew two swords slashing and flipping with lightnening speed. It wouldnt be enough though, i had known it from the start, two people couldnt stand up to this much of a force, but one could delay it... "Rose! Run! Go to Varrock! Go!" i screamed as I backed up covering the northern gate of Falador, she nodded realizing what i was doing and ran east for Varrock. soon after i blacked out from the wounds.

10-Nov-2009 15:19:27



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Upon my awaking i found a bearded face looking down upon me... I moaned as my hand came up to a shoulder wound to feel how bad it was, his hand slapped mine back to the table i lay upon, "dont be a fool, You could get it infected!" he grumbled as my vision cleared i could see some of what was happening, the man infront of me wore a blue hood and blue garments, he had a white beard cunning down to his chest. "who are you?"i choked on the words as my throat went dry. "my name is Marlin, I've been wandering these lands for years, and your are one lucky fellow." he grinned, "you should be glad i got there before those White knights of Jonathann's had you for supper." i grinned, "where's rose?" i asked, his face went pale... "you know of the Rosaline?" I glanced around, i was inside a tent... "rosaline?" i asked
"yes, thats right, Rose Rosaline," he stated, something about the word rang a bell inside my head, quickly ignoring it I Nodded, now sitting up I dressed and he sat me upon a chair inside the tent.
"I believe she's returned to her castle,when you heal, we can go there." he stated as he turned and stepped outside, he quickly returned with a cup of ale. Handing it to me he began to question me on my past... and then told me of my future... through out the entire conversation i found myself asking... how could he know these things?
I gave myself a day to recover before heading for the castle,upon arrival i met a warrior named Mlr, she led me up a great staircase to where the throne room was... behind a table stood rose... the same rose i had met the night before... she looked up from the papers that lay on her desk and managed a short smile. before i could think about what i was saying i had said it, "how do i join?" i asked quickly, she raised an eyebrow, "what do you want to be?" i stopped, what did i want to be? i hadnt even thought about it.

10-Nov-2009 15:27:20 - Last edited on 11-Nov-2009 00:08:13 by Zorcon40



Posts: 356 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I had skill with a bow, being Karil the Tainted it was easy enough to handle a bow, but i definantly wasnt an archer, being simply an archer wasnt a posistion of athroity... my mind raced... then landed on one thing... a Ranger... I could be a Ranger for her army! Knowing the duties of a ranger, i would have to be a skilled archer and stratagist, and be able to turn virtually invisable by blending in with my surroundings... but i was up for the challenge. "a Ranger," i stated and she smiled "you sure?" she affirmed i grunted unable to hide my smile. she explained who Mlr was and that they had been friends for many years. she signaled for Mlr to leave then she turned to me... "I havnt told you everything yet, zor, I sence a war is about to begin, but not just any war, this war will last ages... it will be the second god war..." her words stung my ears. I had been seperated from my brothers in the last god war, i couldnt take it again, but this was the way i must go... i knew it deep inside that i had met her for a reason. I looked up directly into her eyes. "who are we up against," I asked with a determined look in my eyes, "an army of Spartans led by Jackin123 is getting a large army, i fear that they may plan to take all of runescape." this was the first time i had been introduced to taking over the world and it was kinda freaky. I let out a quick sigh then told her i would look into it.
Arrows flew past my head, my breath was comming in ragged gasps as i gently pried out the broad-head of an arrow that was burried deep within my shoulder. my little meeting with jackin hadnt ended well, he had ordered me executed, and so far, they've just about suceded. a curse slipped from my lips as a arrow came directly infront of me, glancing to my right to find one of the spartans fireing, i had to act fast. but as the thought entered my mind the spartan was on the ground screaming in pain...

10-Nov-2009 15:27:31 - Last edited on 11-Nov-2009 00:18:11 by Zorcon40



Posts: 356 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
more screams of terror rose from behind me, i glanced around frantically. then stopped spinning around as i drew my longsword, but nobody was there... then from behind a tree came a young girl who looked to be about 20. claws came out of her hands and her teeth were sharp and two long fangs came out of her mouth... Raising her hands infront of her face her claws retracted along with her fangs. she stepped foward... i stood my ground, as if reading my mind she stated her name, "Ezra... I'm roses bodyguard... she thought you might be in trouble," she spat as she walked off... my eyes were wide with fear as the sudden realization of how close to death i had come. how many people did rose have anyway? well i guess i'd never know that.
War was declared, Jackin123 had begun his conquest to take over the world... and so far, it was working well, at this point all the clans were sepret, they were ready to kill each other... little did they know that soon they would all join together to defeat an even bigger force... but at this time, they were sepret, "Zor, he's comming," the voice was taht of Kirby, a Recruit who had appeared from God knows where. I glanced up as my thoughts cleared my head, we were outside of Ardougne and were preparing to attack a group of warriors which suposedly Jackin was among them. the plan was simple, kill them all, and capture Jackin. I picked up my bow and walked to the ridgline which looked down upon the warriors that walked beneath. I looked behind me where the archers stood ready, the time was now, I raised my hand into the air and counted to three... then let my hand fall, as it did i prepared to see about 20 of arrows fly over my head... but nothing came... i turned around to find myself at the wrong edge of a sword... my men lay dead upon the ground and i was surrounded by spartans. How had this happened? they were down there not up here! "we expected thsi to happen," one said as if reading my thoughts.

10-Nov-2009 15:27:44 - Last edited on 01-Dec-2009 01:32:44 by Zorcon40



Posts: 356 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"he's comming with us," Said the one whom I recognized as Dasfire1116, "Bring him back to be... Questioned..." he finished as he spat the earth near me and walked off toward where Jackin stood not far away, roughly i was grabbed and brought into the City of Ardougne.
After being hit dozens of times and beaten to the ground. they began to question me at swordpoint.
"where is roses weapon cache!?" asked a mysterious person in spartan armor. I raised an eyebrow, "weapon cache? she doesnt have one!" the spartan nodded toward the one with the sword who flipped his blade around and slammed the butt of the handle down upon my head, and my vision faded.
I awoke to the sound of voices, "what about those warriors we captured from the hilltop?" asked a mysterious voice of whcih i did not recognize. I opened my eyes and was temporarly blinded by the rush of light "I dont care, if you cant break them then kill them. we need informationa nd they arent giving it. no use wasting our time on them." I recognized the voice as Jackin. I quickly glanced around the room taking in my surroundings, next to me lay Kirby, he was sleeping, beside him sat Prin, She was staring at him. All three of them had been captured. the rest were killed. the three of us were bound by ropes to the wall. I looked around the room again, there was two swords laying on the ground in the corner of the room. my mind was set upon escape. Glancing down at my hand i opened my palm and tilted my hand back, my hiddden blade appeared in an instant slicing cleanly through the rope which bound my arms and i was quicly free. after freeing my companions Kirby and I both took up swords. It was time to escape.
The fact that we had enough teleport runes between the three of us to teleport us all out of there didnt matter. we were determined to get information no matter what the cost. I had promised rose i wouldnt fail, and I didnt intend to.

10-Nov-2009 15:27:52 - Last edited on 03-Dec-2009 07:12:56 by Zorcon40



Posts: 356 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Quickly, quietly... Swiftly... We sidestepped as many guards as possible and skillfully killed those who saw us. Ardougne was crawling with Spartans, "how long will it take rose to simply crush these barbarians," I heard the mumbles thought from behind me, quickly brushing it aside, I practically flew down a flight of stairs anticipating what was at the bottom. But as my feet stepped off the bottom stair I found myself looking at something that frightened me.
"What is that thing!?" came the yell from behind me as a monster with the head of a wolf and the body of a bear came running toward me screaming it's vengeance in a scream that made my blood run cold in fear. "Kalkara." I stated suddenly jumping into action, "don't look into it's eyes!" came a yell from Prin as her claws surged out of her hands, flying foward I slammed my sword Into the giant beast doing seemingly no damage, turnning toward me the Kalkara thrashed about clawing at me and knocking me off my feet, immedatily it's claws surged for my neck as I rolled to the side just saving my life, as I did so it's claws sank deep into my arm, I let out an un noticed scream as both prin and Kirby surged foward and within seconds the beast's head was on the ground beside me. As I lay limp on the ground i turned my head to where Kirby had begun to examin the body. "I think now would be a good time to use those runes," mumbled Prin. I grinned,
"just get me into Varrock. castle."
Kirby turned back to us, "tell no one of what you've seen here..." he said quietly, "chances are this thing was sent by the Runelord..." he whispered as he began tobwalk back toward us, then all of a sudden my vision began to fade and I drifted off onto the blackness.
"Aderonde Deja la feona..." the words drifted through the gloomy haze of the unseen part of my mind... "Awaken..." came the next words and I slowly opened my eyes, rose was bent over me as her hands slowly brushed a claw mark scraping down my arm, as she did so I felt no pai

10-Nov-2009 15:28:02 - Last edited on 12-Jan-2010 00:09:29 by Zorcon40



Posts: 356 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
And almost instantly the wound disappeared, I could see a blurred vision of a few other people scattered about the room, and I could feel a bed beneath me, was I in Varrock? "Rest now son of the blessed," she said as she stood up and left the room, only seconds later I was fast asleep.
Three Months Later
"zorcon40, has been charged with Treason, tresspassing, fighting against the cause, plotting the end of Sparta, and Treachery! And have been condemned to die in the most plesent manor available. He will hereby be hung by the Neck until Dead, there after fed to the dogs of this city!"
a hood cloaked my head and a facemask covered my mouth and nose leaving only my eyes visable, I was standing on the Gallows in west Ardougne... Plague City as they called it, a crowed had gathered to watch my hanging after I had been caught spying on enemy lines... I had been three months since the fight with the Kalkara and much had happened since then, I had found a few of my brothers and we were beginning to be restored to our original levels. Thought being caught on enemy lines wasn't expected, it was anticipated, I glanced calmly about the crowed... Torag and Ahrim were suposed to be helping him out of this situation. As my mind raced one of the big guards grabbed my arm and pulled mr toward the noose, I took one last glance to the gates, just as I did I caught sight of a cloaked and hooded figure with a staff in hand followed by a warrior with two hammers and a sword at his side, I made eye contact with Torag, then turned to the jailer when I spoke my words were like ice... "Listen... Can you hear the angels...?"
With leghtening speed my fist knocked the man off his feet as I pulled the sword from his side spinning around lopping off the head of the other jailer, glancing at Ahrim the warlock cast a levitate spell sending me high into the air landin on the city walls, Torag flew foward hammers swinging wildly.

10-Nov-2009 15:28:13 - Last edited on 18-Jan-2010 02:33:51 by Zorcon40

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