eh, its kinda the ocxcasional me(tacking onto descussion from a couple of pages ago) but until Jan 7, ill be on more.
/\ Fangs of Fury, Claws of Misery ()
#Sure, I only chip in two cents, but isn't that enough?#
Sure, except my hatred is something to fear :-p
Probably won't be on the next three days. Commence crying and pleading.
The New Year calls for a New Siig!
\|/ I've sent this place into a nuclear winter, and am currently happily building snowmen \|/
*ties Demon to a thirty story building by his thumbs and leaves him to dangle for seven years*
The New Year calls for a New Siig!
\|/ I've sent this place into a nuclear winter, and am currently happily building snowmen \|/