~ Emergency Safety Procedures During the Massive Spammer Attack ~
Everyone, as you know, there are massive rants going on right now. I'm afraid they may spread to here, because the rants are too full, and they have a plan for complete forum domination. In case of this, please do these:
1. Do NOT post on any spammer threads. This will bump them, lowering YOUR thread's chances of surviving.
2. Please bump your stories, and other authors' who may not be online. (Most of us already bumped most stories just in case)
3. Try to get a forum mod over here.
4. Back up threads if necessary using MS Word.
5. Refrain from posting new threads. Best to save them until the danger passes.
6. Scan the last few pages for any stories noteworthy.
7. Monitor pages 40-50 for anything important on the verge of death.
8. Anything else you can think of.
11-Dec-2007 02:03:42