

Quick find code: 49-50-252-59241445

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Ezio: OH YEA!!!!!

.. O_o ..

Ezio: What?

Aren't you a little busy with those glyphs?

Ezio: Already done!

Damn...Why can't I control minds like Al Mualim form AC1!?

Ezio: Cause..

Ah, forget you. I'm going to the world of Fable..

*hops into portal*

Guildmaster: Use your stick.

*holds nose like as if one was frustrated* Aghhhhh...

(one would have to play the game in order to understand this joke O_o )
Yes, I've been playing a little too much Assassin's Creed lately. One: 'cause it's fun. Two: Achievements! Three: 'cause it's fun.

Any questions!?

Roy: *raises hand* I got a-

Any question besides from Roy!?

Ivan: I've gotta go to the bathroom!


…,.»·•º°°º•·«.,…,.•*´¨¨†hë ènd îš ønlÿ †hè ßègïnnïng,…,„.«•*¨`*•.,..
The end
is only
the beginning...

17-Feb-2010 17:48:01

Jun Member 2008


Posts: 2,257 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I've maxed out everything in AC2, except for all the feathers, a few glyphs, and I never did connect to the ds game, so I don't have the import weapon. Other than that.... Nothing beats cruising around in Armour comparable to 9999m set of all barrows equipped at once. :P

I've only ever played a few levels of the first Fable game... Fun game, just.. I dunno, It lacks point to me.

And question - does your AC2 game ever occasionally just freeze up, forcing you to shut off your system then restart - while killing a civilian?

For instance - I'll be walking around, full notoriety (As it's just more fun that way), some guards will see me and freak, runs over to attack me. Usually after killing a Brute/halberd holder, the lower ranks scream and run. I ALWAYS persue and make sure I kill them to, however, sometimes, I'll assassinate a running guard AND a civilian - game freezes. sometimes just two civilians - game freezes. :o

Wierdest part, When I range a civilian - no freeze. I'll JFK a herald - nothing. Drop a random guy to run everone else off - nothing. Put the "OJ Simpson" back into throwing knives - No dice. O_o

Other than that... ownage game of.. Ownage. All this talking about it makes me want to play it... Darn you! >.<

~Insane Soule
"How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?" -Jaden Smith

18-Feb-2010 03:11:17

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'd say Fable 2 is a lot better, and kind of makes a point.

I've gotten all the glyphs, all armour, and could buy every weapon. But I'm too busy on my mission looking for those darn feathers. Oh, well, hopefully a good reward comes out of it. >.>

My Assassin's Creed 2 occasionally freezes on me. Maybe it's different on the PS3 version (I'm assume you got it for that console o.o). I only freeze trying to watch The Truth video and it randomly freezes every now and then. But all good!

*is still happy after looking at something* :D Only Insane would know cause I can't mention it. o.o

P.S: Haha! I fed the habit! :D

…,.»·•º°°º•·«.,…,.•*´¨¨†hë ènd îš ønlÿ †hè ßègïnnïng,…,„.«•*¨`*•.,..
The end
is only
the beginning...

18-Feb-2010 03:58:59 - Last edited on 18-Feb-2010 04:00:26 by Serene End

Kitties Rule

Kitties Rule

Posts: 2,884 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i think fable 1 is better because on fable 2 you cant die so it makes the game too easy, but thats just my opinion
oh by the way can i scrap my bio for living crime and make a new one since we haven't started it yet?

18-Feb-2010 07:11:18 - Last edited on 18-Feb-2010 07:15:55 by Kitties Rule

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I just like it better because I'm a godmod. XD

FEAR MY POWER, YOU WORMS!! *zaps random person*

And yes, you may. :)

…,.»·•º°°º•·«.,…,.•*´¨¨†hë ènd îš ønlÿ †hè ßègïnnïng,…,„.«•*¨`*•.,..
The end
is only
the beginning...

18-Feb-2010 09:34:19

Kitties Rule

Kitties Rule

Posts: 2,884 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
yayyyyyy i will do my bio now:
name:varon denatay



side:good, though he serves seren alot and saradomin to an extent he has vicious ways of killing that would he highly worthy of zamorak.

looks:6.3ft tall with medium length black hair, he is tall and pale (as always), brown eyes, in human terms he would be about 32.

equipment:a very wide array of things,a crystal shortsword as his main close up weapon (although he doesnt often do honest fighting), black clothes with a matching black hooded cloak though the clothes and hooded cloak are magical to be as powerful as a good set of armour, a heavy duty two handed crossbow with black limbs with dragon inside them, 3 daggers and some throwing knives in his cloak, a dagger in each of his boots, 5 daggers, his shortsword and an array of lockpicking devices hanging from his belt, a concealed collection of throwing knives strapped to each of his legs, a dagger in each his sleeves, and finally a mark on his right hand that can glow red and shoot out fire, all the daggers are black daggers.

background:he was born and lived the first 1000 years of his life in the crystal city of priffindas but was one of the elves that escaped to lletya after lord iroworth took over the city, he was in the human nation when the elven nation was put under quaratine because of the spreading plague meaning he could not get back in

family:father:sarin denatay: killed by lord iroworth mother:carsal denatay: killed by lord iroworth
brother:zenras denatay: you guessed it, killed by lord iroworth

normal spells:crystal strike: sends crystals shooting towards his enemys, serens fury: makes a crystal spike shoot out of the ground where the enemy is standing, serens blessing: crystal comes up around him and heals him, it takes a few mins and if the crystal is shatterd he is vaunrable so he does not do it in battle

18-Feb-2010 19:40:35 - Last edited on 18-Feb-2010 21:13:10 by Kitties Rule

Kitties Rule

Kitties Rule

Posts: 2,884 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
special spell:dark angle: black wings come out of his back and he flys up into the air, he raises the wings and the black feathers shoot out, the feathers are razor sharp and with this power he can do tremendous damage to a tightly packed group of warriors, it leaves him very, very drained and will take him up to a week until he is ready to fight again and up to a month before he is fully recoverd.

personality: he is quite untalkative and tends to just ignore people who are having a normal conversation but when people are talking tactics or war he is extremly talkative, also he often hurls threats at the enemy.

first time my bio has spilled onto two sections!

18-Feb-2010 20:08:47 - Last edited on 02-May-2010 17:33:59 by Kitties Rule

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Great bio. I accept, and I'll add to my bio list. Thanks. :D Omg, you wouldn't believe what I'm truly posting for today. No - not for pizza - but for a new chapter! :O WHUT! NOU WAI! o.O Dats right! A new chapter! After like a month, I think. O.o Awmg w00t!

*cricket noise*

Ahh, forget you people. I'm not trying to impress you!

*crowd boos, and throws tomatoes*

Awmg! *runs* Well, enjoy! ^_^
Chapter 23: Half a Truth is Often a Great Lie

The two that were split a part a year, Janak and Sarah, have returned in each others arms. Janak was alive the whole time - masked in a different identity, Joshua. Sarah was safeguarded in Janak's life filled embrace. A smile graced Janak's face, his eyes were closed.

Tears river down Sarah's eyes, she was so happy to know that the one she fell in love with was not dead but very much alive. Nyx and Lev glanced at each other, a smirk of pure evil brushed across their face with a paint brush. "You only have yourself to thank." Janak whispered to Sarah.

Sarah steps back and glanced at Janak with a confused look. "What do you mean?" she asked. He looks upon Sarah, but he looked directly at her amulet. This gives Sarah a hint of what he meant. She clenched the amulet in her hands and glanced upon it. "My amulet?"

He nodded his head. "The Wolfsbane's family amulet has a special ability - and it is activated by a strong emotion from the one who wears. Did it ever glow?"

Sarah thinks for a thought. Silence grows for a moment. But then a memory snaps into her head. The night before Janak's funeral, when Sarah was about to kill herself - and when Visdin stopped her. Her amulet had begun to glow. "That night.." she mumbled.

Janak smiled. "So, then you did save me."

Sarah raised her eyebrows. "Huh?"
The end
is only
the beginning...

19-Feb-2010 02:11:49

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Janak placed his left hand on her right shoulder. "Sarah - you saved me." he glances upon his right hand. "That day...when I died. I felt like I was entering an endless shadow. It was so gelid. It felt as if I was drowning, sinking deeper and deeper into a dark purgatory. I couldn't swim back to top. I just watched my blood rush out of my body, slowly the light of life disappeared. But then I heard you crying. And an energy surged through my body. I hasted out of the cold abyss as fast as I could. My spirit woke up at my funeral. And from there, I slowly became Joshua."

"So, were you that warm embrace I felt that day?" she questioned. She remembered the security she felt when that warm embrace engulfed her soul. "Was that you?"

Janak shook his head. "Yes, that was me." Sarah embraced Janak. He closed his eyes and placed his left hand on the back of her head. "I'm sorry for being gone for so long. I had duties to fulfill."

Lev claps. "Aww..what a touching reuniting." he said. But then he bursts out in laughter.

Nyx giggled along with Lev. "This is all too amusing." she said through her laughter.

Janak glared at the two and drew his blade. "Enough!" he shouted threateningly.

Lev's laughter pauses and had begun to cease. His arms cross with an arrogant smile wiped across his face. In his head, he began to hear a voice telling him to return. "Lev - you and Nyx must return. We have lost Salomon." the voice commanded.

Lev's smile goes down, and Nyx notices. His eyes filled with anger and annoyance. "Understood.." he mumbled with a tide of anger ripping in his voice. He glances back at Janak and Sarah. "You're lucky we must return. But we'll get you next time." the two teleported off.

Janak sheathed his sword and breaths out a sigh. He glances at Sarah. "They seem to be gone." he said.
The end
is only
the beginning...

19-Feb-2010 02:15:59

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