We just discoverd a new noob
Troobs these noobs look like twins and can be the same or oppsite genders they are offen two people but sometimes they are multi loged i saw them in wildy awhile back
one was called
I have aids
and the other was called
You have aids
lol creepy
HERE'S A NOOB FOR YA! Soobs-These noobs tend to scam witout knowin it. They ask to check out a valuable item u hav and then sell it behind ur back!!!!!!!!!! (Ive had this happen to me). These morons tend to swear on occasion.
13-Mar-2007 21:04:30
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13-Mar-2007 21:05:02
Nhoob these noobs are decent lvls like froobs but they anoy oley a targeted noob like at cw if he finds a noob he likes he will add him ans track him down and kill him repeatedly
15-Mar-2007 16:35:14
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15-Mar-2007 16:35:57
Hex the wolf