I'm a gaoob and a nhoob.
Heres a good one-
Wiioob: Someone who goes on the Internet from the Wii or Ps3's internet browser for the sole purpose of bragging about about it. Often not realising that other people don't care :p
Where did you find those all ?
Did you mind those yourself ?
If yes, so im very confused and i can sleep 400 hours lonely in rotten bed.
Over 1000 friends, join them and take fun in RuneScape.
HOLY MOLY! This thread is still here? YES!
GROOOB:These noobs are people who get stuff WAY beyond their grasp from a real life friend, and then think they are uber rich, and are richer than most of their lvled people.
uoog they hang around any nre (Cool not lame) update they cant do and say this is lame or why have this its stupid
i met 1 yesterday at fog he was complaining he couldent find out how to start it
It never got on page 50 before..
Okay well thanks yeah you can do that.. Um.. Im going to try to update and clean this thread up now.. ive been so busy ive fallen a little behind... ( As in ALOT lol )