
Light or Darkness 3

Quick find code: 49-50-25-49764695

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Surami Tokeka * Sir Am E * Toh Key kah *
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Race: Foxfolk/Human
Appearance: Surami's foxlike traits are pointed foxlike ears a long sleek tail and his eyes appear more catlike then human. He doesnt have fur besides his tail but he does let his hair grow long. His long black hair goes down past his sholders and always covers his right eye. His skin is white and slightly tan and very soft like a childs. His visible eye rarely makes eye contact with anyone else but if one were to look into his eyes they would see how much pain he was in and how his soul is twisted and broken. On his forhead that his hair always covers are three scars of claw marks for reassons oley he knows and on his left arm is a tatto that looks like this. -999-

He stands about four and a half feet tall and weights 140 pounds. Hes qiute skinny and slenky but when hes angry he has qiute a large ammont of stamina.
Appearance: He wares long flowing pure black robes that hide his entire appearance. He wares sandals but no one would be able to notice since the robe hide his feet. He never trips though and can move qiute swiftly in them. He has a necklace that looks like this. (V)
He almost always wares his hood over his face when in these robes that covers his eyes but he can see past the fabric of the hood with it covering his eyes.

Personality: He thinks eveything is so primative and pathetic but he degrades and hates himself more then anything else in the world. Hes suffering and he cant do anything about it accept destroy.
Weapons: The oley visible weapon he appears to have is a scythe he always carrys in his left hand or on his back. This scythe has three blades going down it and the blades are made of unholy blessed silver that not oley is almost imposible to break but drains away the energy of whatever it strikes and gives its owner surami.

13-Sep-2008 16:39:15 - Last edited on 10-Oct-2008 20:48:30 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Armor: With his improved hearing reflexes and unholy spells he doesnt really need any.
Short History: I would much rather reveal this during a roleplay then just write it all down.. It takes away the mystery and fun of it.
Other: Hes afraid of hights and loves to be up and about at night. He is qiute powerfull and i pity the person that calls him cute.
Pets: He has a pet dragon he named sagi * Sah Gy * Its oley one year old but due to unholy magics that the high demon zesori placed on him and surami he is about the size of a small horse and can speak common athough he doesnt talk unless its serious.. He hates small talk more then surami. Sagi has black scales a aarow tip tail and his wings are large enough now for him to fly and carry surami if he has to. He can oley breath minor bolts of fire for now but he has a few unholy ablitys simler to suramis magic but he rarely fights. He is the oley one alive now that cares about surami and can understand him. Surami however treats sagi more like a animal and a tool rather then a friend since he secretly fears that as soon as he says he cares about him his oley friend will also die.
Theme songs: Getting Away with Murder by Papa Roach And PAIN by 3daysgrace.

19-Sep-2008 07:54:39 - Last edited on 10-Oct-2008 20:49:06 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Race description, for any unusual races:
Short history:
Who they are allied with, or whose side they are on(Dark Shadows, or Falneans):

26-Sep-2008 20:45:50 - Last edited on 18-Dec-2008 03:40:18 by Hex the wolf



Posts: 81 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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05-Oct-2008 23:02:13

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Patiet App
Name: Zaku * No last name *
Age: 13
Race: High demon
Appearence: He stands at almost five feet tall and weights arond 125 pounds. His skin is red and he has very long white hair and it sometimes gets in his eyes and goes past his sholders. He has a three foot long pointed tail and the iris of his eyes are red. He has no horns no wings and his feet are like a humans and not cloven or anything. His figure is alot like a elf. Hes kinda skinny and sometimes he can be clumsy other times when its serious he has good aglity. His skin is rather soft like a normal human child but its mainly because one of his familys main ablitys that were passed down was the ablity to heal faster. Hes been hurt badly many times but his skin never gets tough or hard and will never scar due to healing so well.
Personality: Mostly sillent and emoteionless to strangers if he fears them. He can be childish and he would sacerfice his life for the people he cares about. He also can be smart with some things and clueless with other things. Basicly very friendly for a high demon.

Short History: His history is unknown for the momment. All that is known was that he just barely managed to escape a vampire bounty hunter whom was tracking him.
Injuries or Diesease: The vampire broke both his arms. He has a small scrape on his forhead and his magical energys are drained to almost zero.

15-Oct-2008 07:33:52 - Last edited on 23-Oct-2008 03:12:41 by Hex the wolf

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