
Light or Darkness 3

Quick find code: 49-50-25-49764695

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Yin
Gender: Male
Age: Appears to be 28
Race: Human
Weapon: A Strange Chinese Instrument And hands
Armor: None
Apppence: He wares grayish pants and a shirt a grey straw hat and black glasses he also appears slightly thin
Personalty: Confident Sillent most the time and wise
History: He and his twin brother Yang are very powerfull wizerds from the eastern lands they used dark chinese magic to extend there lives and give them powers beyond that of a mortal also they constructed this strange instrument they carry.. Zaros hired them as Crows right hand men they are so strong that they could perhaps beat crow if it was based on combat but they know crow would turn them insan by destoying there minds first then kill them..
Next bio
Name: Yang
Gender: Male
Age: Appears to be 28
Race: Human
Weapon: A Strange Chinese Instrument And hands
Armor: None
Apppence: He wares grayish pants and a shirt a grey straw hat and black glasses he also appears slightly fat
Personality: Doubtfull Sillent and wise
History is above
Ok ill write more on next post

26-Sep-2007 05:50:07 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2007 06:07:07 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ok this is just a example of what they do and how they act when any of u guys use them
Zaros Summons them and they are sillent and omost motionless
Zaros says: i have heard tales of you.. tell me who are you
Yang: we are just two street muschions..
Yin: Whos tunes will Take your soul.. then slowly break your heart..
Zaros: Heheheheh... Your hired..

Ok now here is more info on there combat

The Instrument

its shaped kinda like this

Its like a strange chines geitar
lol sorry best i could draw
Anyway it is said that the strings have the traped souls of all they have killed and the wood has been enchanted and is pretty much invincible

This is how they would act in a fight scene with two targets
Yang starts to follow target number 1 and acts friendly

Meanwhile target number 2 is outside
Yin is standing on one foot while useing his leg to ballence the wide instrument and starts playing

The target doesnt think much of it but then the music intensifies and befor he knows it his head is off

Meanwhile yang sneak attacks target number 1 and shuves him /her outside where yin is if the targets in a safe area
there yin starts playing his music and it starts intensifieing

it sounds like this sorry lol its hard to do this by typeing

Da..da..da da da da da da da da da(it starts geting faster) Then it intensifies and a magic sword barly visible of energy shoots out and slashes the foe

26-Sep-2007 06:19:02

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This continues until the target is dead but heres an idea

a friend of the target shows up and trys to help him
If this happens yang joins in and they both ballence on one leg and start playing the music louder and faster swords start flying eveywhere
its like this
Da da da DA DA DA da da (speeds up) da da da (and it repeats kinda like that now evey da counts as 1 or two swords being thrown at the targets
Now say the friend manages to get past the swords and attacks them
If this happens they put the instrument up sideways and screech the strings this makes a force field and that will blow the target away about 10 feet at least and protect them from harm

If they get rellly upset and they think they will lose they summon up the souls that are in the instrument with one
DING with the strings
a hord of ghost are flung at the targets with swords all aimed at the targets

If the instrument is over used or another energy force is thrown at it that is stronger the strings will snap leaveing them unarmed for a momment but they will quickly restring them one will guard the other

IF somehow the instrument is destroyed they result to unarmed combat (there karate)
there attacks are exactly the same and they mimic each others moves perfectly and they are relly strong for wizerds

Also few extra creepy* bout crow

26-Sep-2007 06:26:57

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If u ever see his true forum (and thats hardly ever since he constantly changes to the targets fear) he will appear as a scarecrow with a evil grin 3 eyes and sharp teeth made of wood not straw

Also if u are asleep and he attacks you he will haunt your dreams and if u scream you cant talk and he will mentaly atatck you more and more if the targets isolated from the group
Ok i gtg bi :D oh and sorry for mis spells i was kinda in a hurry its not easy remebering all these warped thoghts ^_^

26-Sep-2007 06:29:11

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Oh one more thing

There ULTIMATE attack (oley used as a last stand)


If all seems lost the two brothers lay out 2 scrolls and they blow up in a puff of smoke two dragons made of wind fly into the air and keep them in mid air
Then they fire TONS of knifes at the target and if they mis or want to try again they pull them back with strings on there hands and fire it again

26-Sep-2007 20:00:26

Riku Zerati

Riku Zerati

Posts: 701 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The 3 Guardians Of The Gate
BlackRiku and Zack are out at sea flying looking for Hyro, all the others are left in front of the Gate to the other side of the world
Nhoj and Kyle are constantly using the lunar magic against the gate, Meanwhile Zotiac is using his Ultra bow (the best bow of all, special weapon) on the gate, but it's no use, they still need, BlackRiku, Zack, and Hyro using their blades
Tyler looks over on the deck, BlackRiku forgot his large blade, it is lying against the wall, it looks like BlackRiku left it in its dragon dagger form
Tyler then looks toward the Gate
Tyler: Hmm..Maybe I can get his Blade in its true form..
Tyler Reaches for the dagger, but when he tries to touch it he is shocked by small lightning being generated from the sword, it's surge blows Tyler back
Tyler: Ahh!! Looks like only he can use it..
Tyler Quickly grabs the dagger, and puts it in his jacket before it reacts, just incase
Nhoj, Zotiac, and Kyle have shot at the gate to much, they have to wait for the smoke to clear out, and when it does, They see 3 people standing on top of it..
???: Who are you, and what is your buisinuss here
Nhoj: You tell us who you are first!!
???: I am Cloud, and these friends of mine over here are Yin and Yang..What do you all want..
Kyle: We must get through this gate!! I am Kyle, and this is Nhoj and Zotiac
Yin: I am afraid I cannot let you do that..
Yang: Leave before we take action
Cloud: Wait! Hahaha, we have heard much about you 3..You all break the balance..NOW LEAVE BEFORE WE SHOW YOU THE WRATH OF SARADOMIN AND ZOROS!
Nhoj starts to yell
*in: Have it your way..
Yin and Yang start to play thier insturments, Zotiac, Nhoj, and Kyle fall asleep
Zotiac: I..I cant..stay awake..
Yin: Da..Da da da da da da..
Tyler and the others are hiding inside
Tyler: Oh no!! What will we do?!
Tyler looks at the dragon dagger, it is glowing blue
To Be Continued

28-Sep-2007 01:00:39

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nice chapter blackriku!
i just want to correct a few things ^_^
Ok first
you said yin and yang play there instruments
they dont got two they oley got one heres a small update to it since i just noticed i messed up a slight bit on the bio

it looks like this
evey - counts as a foot and the * is ying and yang
* *
i wish i just had a picture lol

its like a very large log that has strings on it.. it sounds more like a harp then a guitar

So when they play it at first it will sound very delcat but when they start useing there magic they will play the strings very hard to release its energy and the music will go faster and louder

But i do like the sleep spell idea ^_^ and the chapter was very good i just wanted to point that out

And also this is a reply from my thread

28-Sep-2007 00:25:37
lol, are u having tonselse removed or something?

No i am haveing my 4 wisdom teeth taken out O_o
im relly... rellly... not likeing the idea the few things i cant stand are the following!

Sore throats
Paper cuts
Wasp bees ect
Snotey nose kids that wont leave u alone and cough near you

28-Sep-2007 05:08:14 - Last edited on 28-Sep-2007 21:37:24 by Hex the wolf

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