Thanks. To whet your appetite, and so you know that I'm still busy working, here's the prologue for the Oracle of ScapeRune. I'm still working on the plot, but the thread should be up in a week or so.
Prologue: To Know the Future, One Must Look to the Past
The following is an extract from “The Annals of the Oracle”, written and compiled by the Oracles of Runescape.
At the dawn of time itself the universe was bursting with energy. When the energy contained became too much, the universe cracked.
As monumental amounts of energy were released every second, it began to coalesce into a single being. And so the god Guthix was born from nothing.
From the energies contained within himself, and from which he himself was created, Guthix created the material universe from raw energy.
As Guthix moulded the universe to suit his desires, he created other sentient beings, granting them a small portion of his power and granting them a world with which they could do what they wished.
As the universe expanded, and more and more gods were created, Guthix became weaker. His control over the universe wavered. As he created the last god, his concentration broke, and the world which he had created was almost destroyed. As he strove to save his precious universe, the god which he was creating and the planet whom it would rule were, split, creating two polar opposites. One god was the true rendition of absolute evil, the other the true rendition of absolute good.
Then Guthix fled inwards, still battling with the forces that threatened to destroy his universe.
And so the plane of Gielnor, and the worlds Runescape and ScapeRune were created, along with Zaros and Saradomin.
15-Jan-2011 11:44:33