
~*~ TDT2: The Blood Debt ~*~

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Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I wrote some stuff, but barely enough for more than add...I'm not going to post what I have, because then I'll never get myself to write more, thinking my adds done for the weekend. So I'll wait, continue them tomorrow night if I have the energy (Basketball camp, basketball game), or at the latest Tuesday. Sorry for the wait. I had a busy weekend.

23-Jul-2007 02:50:31

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23-Jul-2007 11:22:53

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29-Jul-2007 16:37:56

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“I’ll go,” offered Maston.
“Please, let me do this, at least!” pleaded Krystal.
Emmaris eyed the far-off poster on the wall outside the bank. “Neither of you look as you did…Neither of you would be recognized.” It was true. The painting of Maston was a man with a young, clean-shaven face, and long, but neat, black hair. Now his skin was darker, his hair longer and tangled, a beard covered his chin, and his face had more lines. He also wore a large shirt bought in Port Sarim, to help him blend in. The painting of Krystal also showed a much younger woman. Krystal was now haggard, her hair also matted, and her eyes sunken and haunted. Their experiences had aged them all.
“Krystal should go,” vouched Arwing. “Let her do something for Bond, Emmaris.”
Emmaris considered. “Maston looks more different, I think.”
“It doesn’t matter,” said Kzahar. “Nobody will even think to wonder that it might be her.”
“I still don’t see why this is necessary,” he complained. “It’s a huge risk.”
“We need news. We need an idea of what’s going on.”
“I need to know,” Krystal begged him.
“Fine,” the scholar consented. “But be careful.*
Krystal nodded her agreement. Her shoulder harnesses found their way off her shoulders. One she dropped on the ground, the other she belted around her waist instead. Then she slid off the wide silver bracelets she wore and shrugged into a long-sleeved shirt Lil had given her to hide her tattoos. There was nothing at all to mark her as the woman on the tournament poster now, she could not possibly be recognized. She vanished into the trees. Minutes later the group spied her emerge onto the road. She swaggered calmly into the town of Draynor, first approaching the inn. Now there was nothing they could do but wait.

30-Jul-2007 01:57:16

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Draynor was not much different from Port Sarim. The street throngs were thinned to the point of almost non-existence; all that remained were beggars. The town was dirty, poor, and hungry. When she stepped inside the inn, its few patrons turned to stare openly. She took a deep breath, mentally said a quick prayer to Saradomin to ward off the chaos that might bring about recognition, and also to protect Bond and give her news of him. A chair near the door was open, and a few moments later a serving girl came to her. Krystal ordered a mug of ale to wet her throat.
Just as she had hoped, no sooner had the girl left with the order than two burly townsmen approached her, smiling wickedly beneath their wine-soaked beards. They sat uninvited in the seats on either side of her, propping their elbows on the table and leaning in close. A whiff of their stink assaulted her nose and she recoiled, bile in the back of her throat. It was a rancid mixture of alcohol, sweat, rotten food, and more alcohol.
“What’s a pretty lady like yourself doin’ round here?” said the one to her right, a broad, muscular man with a red beard and a large boil on his nose.
“Cold out there,” said the second, whose face was so bushy he looked more like some sort of ape than human. Thick eyebrows, sideburns, beard, and mustache all tangled together around his face so that she could barely find his eyes or nose.
“We can warm you up,” continued the one with the boil, dropping one hand off the table to reach for her leg.
She jerked back, automatically reaching for her sword. “Don’t touch me,” she hissed.
“Oh, you’re one o’ those,” said the monkey man. Gesturing to his companion, he rose and started to sulk off.

30-Jul-2007 01:57:43

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Wait!” Krystal exclaimed. “I must needs speak with you. I’m not from around her, it makes me cautious, but I’m in sore need of news. And I’m looking for someone.”
Boil turned, sliding casually back into the seat. “And why would we want to share such with you?”
Krystal reached into her pouch, then opened her palm over the table. Something gleamed in the inn’s torchlights; a gold coin. “I’ll make it worth your while,” she purred. The mens’ eyes glowed as bright as the coin, and the ape reached for it. Just as quickly as she had produced it, her fist snapped shut and withdrew. “Ah-ah. You tell me what I want to know, and you’ll get your coin.”
“Describe this person you’re looking for.”
“You tell me who’s come through here, and I’ll decide whether they’re the one I’m after. Don’t worry, just give me some descriptions, and I’ll pay.” She didn’* want to risk them agreeing to her image of Bond just to get the gold.
Boil scratched his nose thoughtfully. “Not many folks pass through here these days. Travel’s dangerous, nobody really welcomes strangers. Never know if one of ‘em will bring the Plague with them. And there’s bandits and such roaming all the roads. Everyone’s starving and poor, so even the kindest resort to cold thievery in these times.”
“’Course, that don’t matter to the guard. They go where they want, and the highwaymen don’t dare touch them. That, and they’s the only ones with horses these days,” added the bushy man.
“Did some guards come through here?” pressed Krystal excitedly.
“Them who you’re chasing?”
She calmed herself and snapped, “Answer the question.”
“Yes ma’am,” grumbled Boil. “They sure did. Come through here with some poor prisoner, they kept callin’ him traitor.”
“What did he look like?”

30-Jul-2007 01:58:00

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The ape smiled. “That’s who you’re after, then. He were tallish, brown hair. No…I think it were blond, just…dirty. Blue eyes. Blue shirt, too. All ripped up in the back, and he had all this big gashes. One of them officers carried a whip, I think they’d been beating him. He was all chained up.”
Krystal’s heart fluttered. He was alive! Beaten, yes, but alive! She smiled, and flipped the coin toward boil-nose. “How long ago? Which way did they go?”
Boil bit the coin, grinned, and said, “One gold’s mighty lonely in my pocket. I’m thinking a few more would keep it company quite nice.*
Krystal rolled her eyes, and showed him two more golds. The ape leaned in close. “Two days ago, they come in here. Spent one night, couple of ‘em got blasted drunk down here. Said they come from Port Sarim, and was headed off to Varrock to deal out some justice on their prisoner. Takin’ him to the king, they says.”
Now she was more nervous. He definitely was headed for Varrock. They had to catch up. She threw the coins at them, pressed another in the serving maid’s hand as she came with the ale, and trotted from the inn. In the streets, she slowed her pace, calmly striding back to the trees. From there she sprinted flat-out to her companions. They had to get back on the road immediately.

30-Jul-2007 01:58:11

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30-Jul-2007 02:52:43

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