Application to join the story:
Are you in K0V: Yes.
How long have you been in K0V: Two months.
Desired character name(please keep it something that 90% of people will recognize you with): Woof/Wooff.
Appearance: Light brown hair with streaks of blonde. Clean-shaven. Tall, slender frame, but not without strength.
Weapons: Dagger on him at all times.
History: Woof is a Dragon Guard, protector of the Royals of Varrock. He has magnificent shining armor and a powerful sword (felt the needs to put this in History since he doesn't always have his weapons and armor on him). He is a Diplomat as well, speaking to other Kingdoms and Empires. He's lived in Varrock all his life and knows everything there is to know about the city and the high-ranking officials.
Anything you WANT to involve/happen to your character: Fall in love?
Anything you DO NOT WANT to involve/happen to your character: -
Do you understand that I will be in control of your character and that you're not going to rant at all if something happens: Yes.
Anything else: This is your story, Maddi. Do whatever you like!
And have fun with it.
EVERYONE who wants to join needs to apply, including the royal family.
Keep your characters reasonable and realistic, guys.
Silly rangers and not being able to hold their drinks...
Enjoyed this chapter the most so far, and not just because cynical Brand was in it
Keep it up! looking forward to more ^-^