-- Page 34 --
Here, you began to misuse speech and such, ending a line of dialogue with a period instead of a comma. Try and read through this once more to catch these small things.
-- Description (Through 41) --
I like the description you've placed in the story, giving me a fairly good image of what's ocuring. The only real problems I noticed that damaged this were the misplacing of commas that destroyed the flow of the description itself.
-- Page 41 --
"Joran, bound by his metal chains and with Uvedin and over fifteen score heavily armed pirates behind him cautiously continued forward, towards the ever more apparent beat of approaching drums."
... What?
Bom bom.
Bom bom bom bom bom sounded the heavy drums in a deep, hollow tone that rang out with horror unknown. "
This is just... meh. I don't like how it's worded and it's more telling than showing. Try and edit it a bit.
"Uvedin peered out with his ringed hand still carefully hovering just above his blade, awaiting any moment draw and for blood to be shed. For the briefest moment, he thought he caught sight of movement out in front of him, and he walked back several steps into the massive group that was his crew."
I don't like how you worded the hand waiting to draw the blade, it's just not going with me. Oh, and the repetition of 'moment' in the latter sentences should be fixed, as it messes with the flow, and the ending of this section was qutie wordy with discussing the group and speaking of how it was his crew, when we knew that already.
"Then, for the briefest moment as all stared at the corpse, a shrill screech rang out from high above, and heavy, fast drumbeats erupted from all sides of the group."
Awkward. That's all.
22-Apr-2008 04:55:42