The old man chuckled, rocking on his chair as he pushed up his glasses. His balding head seemed to absorb the dim light as his face darkened. “A long time ago… Long, long ago… I was in a meadow… South of Rimmington, you know, the sea town. It was an amazing sight; the beautiful town, the luscious wild grass, the ocean to the west, all marvelous. As I flew high into the air, I roared a great laugh as I blew the town to ashes with my fire breath! Oh yes!” the old man hollered, leaping from his chair and throwing his hands up in the air. “The whole town cried out their hearts as the wild grass, alit with fire, surrounded their pitiful existence! I flew around, my great wings beating the hot air as I declined them the gift of life!” he laughed, his face darkening as the night crept into the cabin. His hands struck out in the open, his fingers clutching at each other, choking the souls in the empty air he could only see.
“Grandfather, you weren’t a dragon.”
The madness in the elder’s eyes dulled as he looked around the cabin. He combed his bald head as he stared at his grandson, slowly crawling back to his chair as he mumbled. “Of course not... Why would I be a dragon? I mean, it’s not like I had an alter-ego that was a white dragon in another story… That’d be crazy,” he coughed. “Anyways, the land west of Rimmington was known for being a rebellious piece of scum that Saradomin had ever seen. Bandits, looters, and lu(CEN)stful women made up the lawless land. Historians universally agree that the first origins of Flaming and Spamming originated from that piece of land.”
28-Sep-2008 07:12:48
- Last edited on
28-Sep-2008 07:15:58