
The Reclamation of Dormoor

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The miners of Dormoor saw increasing activity as of late.

It was to be expected. The Kingdom was at war. The tribals had united, forcing the civilized races to band together once more and drive them back.

The King, too old to lead men into battle, was forced to stay at home, while his son and heir marched south with an army of twelve thousand in order to honour their old pledge. Of course, armies needed swords, swords needed metal, and metal needed ore. Even though the army had long since departed, new equipment needed to be shipped to the front, and since many of the miners had gotten it into their heads to join the Dwarven Army, that meant the remaining miners needed to fill in for them.

Edric was one of these miners. At four feet, he was of average dwarven height, with a short brown beard and a bald head. Truthfully, he did not mind the work all that much. It wasn't as glorious as marching into battle, but someone had to do it, and the Pillar of Labour was just as important as the Pillar of Valour. That was what the Elders had always taught.

Dagar, however, was of a different mind. "By the Foundation..." He grumbled, stopping to wipe some threat from his brow as he stood at a nearby wall. He had forgotten to remove his gloves, so the act only served to further smear his forehead with grime and dust. Large-bellied with thick black hair and a long beard, the dwarf did not appear to be well suited to a life in the mines, yet here he was.

Dagar had always been known to favor the Pillar of Revelry more so than the other pillars. When it came to the mines, he was the last to show up and the first to leave. When it came to the tavern, it was the opposite.

Edric was not in a mood to converse, but Dagar continued regardless. "Seems like 'alf the smiths have gone south with the Princeling. 'ow much ore does the city really need?"
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

25-May-2018 03:20:08 - Last edited on 26-May-2018 21:25:31 by NotFishing



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Another voice spoke up. "He is our Prince, and a man grown. Speak his title with a bit o' respect." Grey-hair and with skin that was beginning to wrinkle, Toran was the most experienced and wisest of their mining group. "As to the ore... I thought you'd 'ave noticed all the missing faces." There was a touch of sadness there - Toran had wanted to join the army, to die with a weapon in hand, but he was too old. Some said he was too old even for mine work, but the dwarf was stubborn. If he couldn't die in battle, he would at the very least die doing something productive.

"I'm more worried that those faces might not return... " Spoke another man, with brown hair that was beginning to go grey. He was almost as old as Toran, but for some reason Edric could not recall his name.

Finally, Edric spoke. "It'll end soon. We all know that the Greenskins have before. They were were driven back then, they'll be driven back now. 'til then, we work."

The grey-brown-haired man nodded, but there was still concern in his eyes. "There will be losses, though. No army ever sees real battle and steps away without-"


For a second, cavern seemed to shake, and dust rained down from overhead. The dwarves exchanged fearful glances, as they waited several tense seconds to see if it would resume.


The shaking lasted another second, and even more dust came loose, as well as a few pebbles. It was then that Edric realized it was coming from a specific direction. He turned towards the wall behind Dagar, where cracks had begin to form.

"Dagar! Get away from there!" Toran shouted, coming to the same realization.

Dagar looked back at him in confusion, and then moved to step away.

Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

25-May-2018 03:20:14 - Last edited on 25-May-2018 23:36:16 by NotFishing



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The entire wall came down, and within seconds Dagar was buried beneath a pile of rubble. The rest were fortunate the entire cave had not collapsed on them, but what they saw next almost made them wish it had.

Standing on the other side of the shattered cave wall was what could only be described as demon. Seven feet in height, with a horned head, sinewy red skin, and glowing emerald gren eyes. In one hand he held a large warhammer. In the other hand he held a chain, which was attached to what appeared to be a dog, if said dog was twice as large and had been turned inside out.

It was Toran who acted first. "DORMOOOOOR!" He shouted, raising his pickaxe as if it were a battleaxe and rushing forward. The demon swung the warhammer with one hand, sending the older dwarf flying down the corridor. He struck a wall and fell to the door, his back broken and bent, his eyes still wide out.

Edric and the nameless dwarf did the sensible thing. They turned and ran.

They had made it maybe twenty feet, when Edric heard the sound of barking, and metal sliding on stone. He looked back to see that the demon had let go of the chain, and the hellish dog was in hot pursuit. That speeded their retreat. A few seconds later, Edric heard a scream of terror, followed by the sound of someone following to the stone floor, and the scream of terror quickly turned into one of agony. Edric did not need to look back to see what had happened, and instead continued his flight.

More barking could be heard now, this time far more distant. The hellhound did not appear to be in pursuit, likely too busy with the other dwarf. As he came across as other miners he shouted for them to run. Some did, others simply stared at him in confusion. The barking did not stop, and soon he began to hear more screams.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

25-May-2018 03:20:15 - Last edited on 25-May-2018 23:37:16 by NotFishing



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As he finally escaped from the mine and into the city itself, a thought popped into his head, even as the two guards at the entrance stared at him in confusion.

Holgar, his name was Holgar.

Then he turned and saw several pairs of eyes bounding down the mineshaft, heading straight for him.



So, this is the Reclamation of Dormoor! If you haven't already guessed, all of the characters in this RP will be dwarves, hailing from the Kingdom of Dwarfhold. You are a member of the Dwarven Royal Guard, who marched south alongside their Prince to go to war. But while you were away, demons launched an attack on the city through its mines, and so now you must return in order to thwart it.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

25-May-2018 03:20:16 - Last edited on 26-May-2018 03:04:56 by NotFishing



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Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Introduction
3. Introduction
4. Summary
5. Table of Contents
6. Bio Format
7. Dwarves
8. Magic
9. Royal Guard
10. Royal Family
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

25-May-2018 03:20:24 - Last edited on 26-May-2018 03:16:26 by NotFishing



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Bio Format

Name: (Your first name should be a generic Nordic name. You only have a last name if you are a noble. A dwarven last name has two parts. The first half is some sort of metal, mineral, or other material. The second half is some sort of tool, weapon, or body part. For example, Ironpick, or Copperblade.)
Age: (Dwarves live as long as humans.)
Gender: (Male or Female.)

Appearance: (See the dwarf section for more information.)
Clothing/Armor: (You're a dwarf, and a Royal Guard. You should be wearing something protective.)

Weapons: (Dwarves tend to favor axes, maces, and hammers, though weapons that are more dexterity-based are not unheard of.)
Magic: (I will only allow one mage.)

Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

25-May-2018 03:20:25 - Last edited on 25-May-2018 23:50:16 by NotFishing



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Dwarves are generally around four feet in height, and tend to have pale skin due to their tendency to be found underground or in colder climates. They can put on muscle quickly, but they can also turn to fat quickly. Facial hair also grows quicker than usual on the men, and it is not unheard of for certain women to grow stubble.

It is said that dwarves are inherently clumsy, but this is not the case. Their short stature grants them a low center of gravity, allowing for excellent balance, and if they were clumsy they would not make for such fine crafters and smiths. They are a difficult race to topple.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

25-May-2018 03:20:26 - Last edited on 25-May-2018 23:53:43 by NotFishing



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A dwarven mage will generally specialize in either Earth, Fire, Healing, or Enchantment. Anything else is frowned upon, and rarely practiced. These forms of magic generally require intense concentration and an iron will.

Earth: The ability to levitate or shape rocks with your mind.

Fire: The ability to conjure fire from your hands, or manipulate existing fire.

Healing: The ability to heal all but the most serious wounds in only a few seconds.

Enchantment: The ability to imbue certain items with magical properties, which can be used by non-magic users. The enchanting process takes hours of uninterrupted focus, and the enchantment itself will eventually fade unless it is renewed.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

25-May-2018 03:20:27 - Last edited on 26-May-2018 00:00:58 by NotFishing



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The Royal Guard

The Royal Guard consists of some of the finest warriors in Dormoor, tasked with the protection of Clan Goldmane, the Dwarven Royal Family.

They do not usually discriminate based on gender, and their members are almost exclusively recruited from the Noble Clans, though there have been a few rare cases where commoners have been allowed into the ranks as well. When a commoner is invited in, they are allowed to form a Noble Clan of their own. However, they are the only member, and because members of the Royal Guard are not allowed to marry, the Clan usually dies out.

They tend to favor warriors in their recruitment. Additionally, there are always two mages, no more and no fewer. They will also recruit a few crossbowmen and gunmen as well, who can serve as overwatch, though such weapons are not viewed as particularly prestigious or honourable.

Though they are not allowed to marry, there is no restriction against romance, provided it does not interfere with their duty. It is not unheard of for Royal Guards to have relations with each other, or even one of the Royal Family.

There are forty Royal Guards at any given time. Twenty of them have marched south with Prince Beric Goldmane, to protect him in battle and offer him counsel.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

25-May-2018 03:20:28 - Last edited on 26-May-2018 03:32:05 by NotFishing



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The Royal Family

King Godric Goldmane
King of Dwarfhold, High Lord of Dormoor, and Head of House Goldmane. Once a wise and strong King, Godric is well into his later years, and no longer capable of marching in battle.

Prince Beric Goldmane
Prince of Dwarfhold. Beric is the eldest son and heir to the King. Somewhat stubborn and headstrong, Beric will never forget a slight. However, he also never forgets an agreement, and is both a fair and just man. He prefers to lead from the front, as is expected of him, and wields a two-handed axe.

Princess Ygrid Goldmane
Princess of Dwarfhold, Ygrid is the second child to the King and third in line to the throne. She is even more stubborn than her brother, and insisted on following him into battle. She fights with mace and shield.

Prince Kalmar Goldmane
Prince of Dwarfhold, Kalmar is the King's third and youngest child, the second in line to the throne. He is far more reasonable and grounded than both of his siblings, but many view him as a bit too cautious, and a few even see that as weakness. He is a Stone Mage.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

25-May-2018 03:20:29 - Last edited on 26-May-2018 03:16:05 by NotFishing

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