The Bell Tolls One, and see before you the Reviewer of Halloween Crap.
I can t wait to be a worthless peice of **** all day re-viewing these goddam strioes.
**** THI IS A PIE OF ****
ok tis not all bad, let me see.
ok you chow prom, ise seen worse.
"misfalin " no you dumb **** tool your SPELING wrong, its godam mistmantle.......
lumbidge more like lum******, am I ride or what?
you did know there is birch seyup in canada dan russia
"“no probs babe”" k bring it in 4 a bulgebump
where doon it man
"they hugged and for a beef glitterin moment all was well in the runescape"
**** YES
elven out of ten stairs, kbye
18-Oct-2013 19:39:43