From the people that brought you Your First Story:
Fellow Forumers, comrades are in need! For some time now two writers of our own has been fighting for a notable cause to benefit our recognition as frorum and talent pool. They wish for Tales from the Tavern to be re-added to the site! Our comrades - Capt Chekeka and Poller5 - have had running for a long time now a thread asking Jagex to consider bringing Tales from the Tavern back.
They wish the recognition of us writers to go beyond the boundaries of the Story Forums and to the rest of the community. Jagex has a mass of stories that would benefit with being regularly added to this feature. But instead, we are ignored!
Jagex sees fit to recognize our artists (a good idea if I must admit). But they don't recognize their writers. They may with silly, occasional contests but participants only ever achieve recognition when they win! And this recognition only goes to those in this forum and our small, but tight-knit community. Entries to such contests - as they are short - can be regularly added to the site’s once old feature.
Fellow writing comrades! Support Poller and Capt -- help benefit the forum. So, please visit and read the following thread at this QFC:
12-Mar-2009 22:30:45