
The Dawn of the New Order

Quick find code: 49-50-149-65134373



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"Adventurer! Behind you!" a white knight cries. The Adventurer ducks backwards as black metal flashes before his eyes. "That was too close." the Adventurer mutters under his breath. The Battle for Lumbridge was certainly proving to be more challenging than the drunken knights at the Rising Sun Inn were boasting of. The Adventurer stood still for a moment to take it all in. The gentle breeze carries the pungent stench of blood and carnage to his nose and his eyes beheld that the battlefield itself looks as if it had seen worse than the Abyss. Warriors and creatures of Saradomin and Zamorak were clashing in squirming masses so tight that one could not tell who was winning until the victors triumphantly stagger away from the mutilated corpses of the losers. The echoing of battlecries and screams of pain as fresh soldiers recieve their first wounds fills his ears. "I'm heading back to camp, somebody cover my rear." the Adventurer declares. A nearby white knight, after drawing his sword from the chest of a dying black knight, replies "I will cover your exit, sir!" As the two carefully make their way around the piles of of carnage, the Adventurer slaps the knight on the back, "I never thought your type could be easily persuaded to leave in the mist of such a glorius battle." the Adventurer jokes. "Normally there'd be no getting me to leave, but seeing as I have this **** on my arm, I thought it would be a good opportunity to catch up with the camp's nurse." the white knight cheerfully muses. "At least we have one thing in common!" the Adventurer chuckles with glee. Just as the the two reach the gates of Saradomin's camp, the white knight freezes, terror eminating from his eyes. "What's wrong?" the Adventurer asks. The white knight collaspes to the ground with a hefty thud, an arrow protruding from his chest. As the camps guards rush to the knight's aid, the Adventurer sighs "Saradomin, I hope all this was worth sacrificing good men like him."
There's ALWAYS a bigger fish.

28-Aug-2013 21:01:14



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The camp of Saradomin was bustling with activity. Saradomin's attendants scurry about like ants as the Adventurer enters the camp. The Adventurer stops as he is swarmed by anxious faces. "Did you get some divine tears?" one fo the attendants asks eagerly. "See for yourself." the Adventurer replies, opening his pack to reveal heaps of green crystals. "Saradomin be praised!" one of attendants shouts with gleeful enthusiasim. The crowd parts as the Adventurer makes his way to holy fountains of Saradomin. Pouring the crystals into glowing water, the Adventurer looks up at Saradomin. The blue giant never so much as twitched an eyebrow but rather focused on fueling a beam of magical energy of which clashed with the fires that sprung from Zamorak's hands. "I know you're engaged in a standoff with Zamorak, but would it really hurt to acknowledge our contribution, if just for a second." the Adventurer quietly whispers. "John, honey, please come back, Saradomin's camp is too dangerous!" A frustrated woman eagerly gestures at the south gates for her son, who the Adventurer could see was curiously poking around the encampment. "There you are! Come here at once!" the woman shouts, despiration reflecting from her eyes. The boy, obviously too preoccupied to notice his mother's fervent pleas, tugs at the legs of the Saradomin recruiter. "Oh, what do we have here, a brave little fella wishing to join in Saradomin's holy cause?" the recriuter warmly jokes. "He will do no such thing!" the woman shrieks, stompping over to the recruiter and grabbing her son by the hand. "I did not mean to imply so in all seriousness madame, I merely meant when the boy came of age." the recruiter apologectically replied. The women shook her finger in the man's face "I hope for both me and my boy's sake that will never come to pass! You Saradominist zealots are no better than the Zamorakians you fight! You don't care for our welfare any more than your 'holy cause'!"
There's ALWAYS a bigger fish.

28-Aug-2013 21:50:19



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The adventure couldn't help but smile as the flustered recruiter sent the mother and her child on their way. The recruiter, trying his best to regain his composure, turned to the adventurer "Nothing to see here adventurer, just some heretic sticking her nose where it doesn't belong." The adventurer paused for a moment, and then made his way to the camp gates. "Look! Over there!" cried a panicked villager outside the crater. The adventurer looked, half wishing that he hadn't. Outside the crater stood a massive demon of the butcher class. It was everyone's worst fears come to life. The demon's attention seemed very keenly focused on something the adventurer could not presently see. "Look! Its that boy and his mother who came in ealier today!" cried one of the attendants. The adventurer hurried over to the attendant's position to get a better look. Sure enough, huddled at the demon's feet was the little boy, with his mother despirately trying to conceal him from the demon's piercing gaze. "You will learn to regret siding with Saradomin, pathetic human." the demon growled. The adventurer was puzzled how the demon could make such an assumption that the boy had sided with Saradomin. "Where is my pendent, I knew I put it somewhere around here." the Saradomin recriuter muttered out loud, oblivious to the events taking place. Then the adventurer saw it: a shiny pendent bearing Saradomin's star hanging from the boy's hand. "Please, he meant no disrespect to your lord! He doesn't even know what that pendent is!" the mother pleaded. "Silence human! It is my duty as a servant of Zamorak to destroy every creature that bears the mark of my enemy!" the demon retorted with utter disdain. The demon lifted his giant sword, posed to strike the both of them down. "Do something adventurer!" one of the attendants pleaded. The adventurer's feet stuck like anchors as he watched in horror.
There's ALWAYS a bigger fish.

17-Oct-2013 18:41:54



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The demon, savoring every moment of his victim's terror, thrust his blade downward. The adventurer closed his eyes, not wanting to watch the slaughter. The demon let out a shriek of frustration. The adventurer opened his eyes. The mother and her child where unharmed, an old man dressed in druid garbs standing beside them. The old man clutched a Zamorakian spear in both hands, its unholy gleam sending chills up the adventurer's spine. The demon, seeing the man who had spoiled his kill and the weapon he wielded, gave a blood-curdling laugh. "You dare face me with a weapon that carries my master's curse? Ha! You will not land so much a finger on me while you wield that spear." the demon chuckled. The old man calmly straighten his composure, and looked the demon in the eyes. "You would presume much, demon, to assume that your master would win this fight for you. No, this a conflict in which just you and I are the players, and it is not your master who holds this blade, nor the one that commands its strokes." the old driud said, his voice carrying a wisdom cultured over many years. "I will enjoy making you eat those words on your dying breath!” the demon yelled, his eyes burning with hatred.
There's ALWAYS a bigger fish.

17-Oct-2013 22:39:52



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The demon rushed foreward, his giant blade arching downward at the druid. To the demon's astonishment, the old man dodged with ease. The demon let out a shriek of pain and dropped his sword, a fresh **** gleaming in his wrist. The druid wasted no time in exploiting the demon's vulnerability. The druid commenced to disabling the demon's other wrist, and then both the ankles, all while dodging the demon's furious attempts to squash him. The adventurer watched in awe as he observed how the druid could move with grace and ease, before unleashing a chaotic flurry of precisely aimed and yet savage stabs and slashes. The adventurer gasped when the druid slapped the demon's face back and forth with the broad side of the blade when it had attempted to bite his head off. The adventurer wondered why the druid would use a weapon made for stabbing and slashing as a club. The slapping apparently had an impact on the demon, his head swerving back and forth in a bewildered fashion. Outraged, the demon grabbed both ends of the spear and hoisted the old man upward. Rather than panick the old man used the spear as trapeze to swing his body a full 360 before dealing a powerful uppercut with his foot into the demon's chin. The demon released the spear and the druid, while in mid-air, dealt a precise slash to one of the demon's eyes. "Aaaaarrrrggggghhhh!!!!" the demon scriemed, clutching his wounded eye. The old man slapped the demon's calves with the blade and the demon fell to his knees.
There's ALWAYS a bigger fish.

17-Oct-2013 23:12:19



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"You blinded my eye you wretched human!" the Demon growled, clutching his scar with discomfort. "It was to teach you a lesson about faith demon. You expected that Zamorak would win this battle for you merely because you are his servant. Faith without works is dead demon; you put too much faith in Zamorak and not enough in yourself. That scar is merely a physical manifestation of such blind faith." the old druid replied, his voice cool and icy. "You speak lies human! Zamorak will avenge me!" the demon sneered. "Enough, be on your way demon, so that you might live to serve your master another day." the druid politely stepped to the side as the demon rose to his feet. The adventurer was shocked that the druid would just let an evil creature like a demon free after it was tried to kill an innocent boy. The demon walked past the druid, and then, with a look of deviant glee, turned around to face the druid. "Your foolish mercy will be your undoing druid." the demon sneered through his toothy grin. Without warning the demon charged at the druid, his claws outstretched to tear the old man apart. The druid shook his head with disappointment, and then with lightning speed thrust the spear into the demon's chest. The demon halted, shock and fear in his eyes, before he burst into flames.
There's ALWAYS a bigger fish.

18-Oct-2013 02:32:58



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The adventurer quickly made his way to the scene. "Are you alright?" he asked the mother, who was still holding her son in her arms. "Yes...I think I am." she feebly replied. The adventurer looked over at the druid, who was scooping up the demon's ashes. The old druid, with sadness in his eyes, softly and reverently uttered a pray over the remains, before gently scattering them in the wind. "Why would you show that demon mercy?" the adventurer asked. "Yes, why would you?" the mother asked, anger replacing the fear in her eyes. "The loss of any life is a trajedy, Adventurer, whether it be friend or foe." the Druid replied softly. "Why mourn the death of that, that, creature? the mother shouted, "Unless, perhaps, you were a chaos druid! Then you would have the audacity to mourn such a wretched beast!" The druid paused, then turned to face the woman "I assure you that I am no chaos druid, for they praise Zamorak but reject Guthix and the other gods, when they should be seeking wisdom and strength from all gods." The woman looked at the druid with utter disbelief "You would take the gods' side after everything they've done, what they would have done to my son, you sicken me." the woman said with disdain. The woman turned and left with her son, who was watching the druid with the upmost fascination. The adventurer opened his mouth to say something when the Saradominist recruiter came barging in. "Well done if I may say so myself, that demon never stood a chance!" the Saradominist recruiter siad cheerfully. "I do not take pride in killing, servant of Saradomin." the old man said, speaking gently. "You should my friend, if you are able to do so with a weapon as fiendish and inferier as a Zamorakian spear." the recruiter replied. The druid glanced at the adventurer and said to the recruiter "A weapon is only as 'good' as the man who wields it."
There's ALWAYS a bigger fish.

18-Oct-2013 03:16:31



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The adventurer couldn't help but feel that somehow the druid was speaking to him rather than the Saradominist recruiter. The recruiter, oblivious to any implications the druid may have made, held out an enlistment form to the old man "That is why Saradomin's cause could use skilled warriors such as yourself. What do you say?" the fat man said, licking his lips. The druid gently pushed the piece of parchment away from his face "As much as I respect Saradomin and his cause I must decline, my duties lies elsewhere." Again the druid gave the adventurer a quick glance. "Fine. If you should ever change your mind, you know where to find me." the recruiter said, disapointment welling in his eyes. The adventurer was just about to leave when the druid stuck out the spear inches from his face. "My, my,aren't you the curious one." the druid said warmly. "How is that a druid of Guthix uses a cursed weapon of Zamorak to take down a demon of Zamorak?" The adventurer asked, staring at the blade in front of his face. "You could say that I am of Guthix, or that I am of Zamorak. Politics mean very little when one has seen the truth of things." the druid replied. "What do you mean, 'the truth of things'?" the adventurer asked. "When one seeks nourishment, does he always eat chicken, or does he seek to find more diverse sources of nourishment?" the druid asked, seemingly oblivious of the adventurer's question. "What?" the adventurer asked, puzzled. "Does one read a single book, and claims that he knows all?" the druid asked. "Your questions aren't making any sense to me druid." the adventurer said, frustrated at the druid's disinterest in his questions. "That is because you haven't stopped to think what it is people are feeding into that head." the druid replied bluntly. "When you are ready to put knowledge into that thick head of yours, go knock three times on the great oak." the druid removed the spear and walked off into the distance, leaving the adventurer more puzzled then before.
There's ALWAYS a bigger fish.

18-Oct-2013 03:52:49

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