wow, i started to read the story before i went to bed and the next thing you know it's time to go to work, but it was definitly worth it, i like to criticise people alot about their work, but this seem's flawless, besides the few spelling errors i cuoght this sotry has got to be one of the best storries i have ever read in my life, I am usually able to pick up on things like enimies becoming friends, but i never saw the sarah and zamak thing ever, i was completly shocked.
I do hope you add more to their relation ship though before you end the story, the combination of love thrown into an action/gory story was completely unexpected and i absolutely loved it, I believe that if you ever make another story it would be a good idea to follow, the lives of sarah and zamak if they (what looks like ) together,
I really loved this story and i want you too please add me and just send me a pm when you know that your gona put more on the story out, this way i don't bug you and you will continue to get another reader,
on a side note i wish you could make this a movie as well
02-Jan-2008 10:51:33