Hi Riekan,
As promised, here is my review of "The Cursed Dragon, Pt. 1" for entry to the Yanillian Library. I apologise about the delay, but as you are no doubt aware, the Jagex-hosted short story writing contest has taken much attention recently.
First of all, what did I like about your tale?
The pace! The action! It was undeniably one of the most exciting and fast-paced stories I've read for a long time. There was scarcely room to breathe before the characters got launched from one danger to another. As a rollicking adventure, it carries the reader along with the central characters like leaves in a gale. Fantastic stuff!
I really like a lot of the words you chose to describe the thoughts, actions and emotions of the characters. You make them live very vividly with your dialogue.
I also liked the clarity of the story. You did not confuse the reader with tangential information or irrelevant events, but stuck to the central storyline like a limpet on a rock.
The spelling and grammar seemed very good to me, all it all. I noticed just a few minor errors such as "existance" instead of "existence" in the first paragraph, "vallies" instead of "valleys" at the beginning of chapter 9, and so on. But overall, the accuracy of the writing is excellent.
So what did I like less, or think might be done to improve it?
Honestly, how you progress and improve with a work such as this is up to you. It's all down to personal preference.
I could suggest that the overall effect feels a little unplanned, with the adventurers going from A to B to C to D. The plot is very linear, but again, this simplicity could be seen as an advantage, as I mentioned above.
I would like to see a little more character development or background information, so that the reader can empathize even more with the heroes on their trek. But the story is by no means completely lacking in such material.
02-Apr-2007 20:24:31