79 Dungeoneering, 82 WC, and 84 Crafting
One more dung level till I'm 80+ all! Will still be quite a few tokens short from a rapier though
. Once I get that then it's on to slaying!
Hey Doodle! Its been a while eh?
About a month since I last visited you on here. How are things? miss me? I miss you, lol. Just so you know, I'm gonna be on to do the halloween event when it comes out.. maybe we can do it together eh? Let me know
Haha - Quite awhile!
I do miss ya, think you may play over winter break? I'll wait to do the event and hope we're able to
83 woodcutting tonight, got a palm and maple seed from nests like 10 minutes apart
lol. Figure I'll keep afking woodcutting while I do my homework till it's 90 for the hell of it... I hardly have to pay attention ^^
EDIT: +666 total levels on the first page...
EDIT2: added a new post on page 2 with some updated current goals!
Winter break? you mean in December? I'll see
I hope we'll be able to play together one of these days- I wanna see you ingame
Can't wait to see what surprises Jagex brings us this Halloween! XD
Good luck with all your levels! Have fun my lil D00dle! Lol, luffles <333
Did Nomad's Requiem today and got my RED
SW Cape... died about 6 times I think? Almost as much as I died getting fire cape
... why is it that most of my deaths are always the result of getting some fancy cape?
Got 84 prayer and 128 cb
I'll get rapier next weekend then begin slaying I guess.
Congrats on all those 666 levels! Speaking of which, I spent £6.66 in the supermarket last week
And I just thought I'd let you know - I'm going to disect a pig heart this Thursday woo! Anyway keep up the dungeoneering,and soon to be divine sniping.. Do it for Ploow!
See you round maybe, I've been on RS with my PM on a couple of times over past few weeks so you can't tell me off haha
p.s - you really should get on nsm more, lazydoodle!
I might play in December... we'll see
But anyways... Halloween event came out!! When do you think we can do it together? time and day you're available? Let me know.
Silky - it's a sign...
. Have fun with the dissection, if that's possible! I shall not be divine sniping any time soon, no where near enough cash
. Hope to see you ingame sometime, I refuse to believe it until I see it!<3
Haha - Sometime saturday probably?
Dunno what time, guess we'll just keep an eye out for each other?
Got 81 cooking and 88 range today since I was so close just for the hell of it