12/22/13 - Lvl'd Con to 81
12/23/13 - Lvl'd Firemaking to 97
12/25/13 - Lvl'd Runecrafting to 76
12/25/13 - Lvl'd Firemaking to 98
12/26/13 -
Lvl'd Firemaking to 99
12/27/13 - Lvl'd Construction to 82
12/27/13 - Lvl'd Woodcutting to 88
12/28/13 - Lvl'd Herblore to 92
1/1/14 - Lvl'd Construction to 83
1/3/14 - Lvl'd Crafting to 85
1/5/14 - Lvl'd Agility to 76
1/6/14 - Lvl'd Herblore to 93
1/6/14 - Lvl'd Construction to 84
1/8/14 -
Lvl'd Dunge to 90
1/8/14 - Lvl'd Smithing to 83
1/10/14 - Lvl'd Mining to 88
1/11/14 - Lvl'd Construction to 85
1/15/14 - Lvl'd Herblore to 94
1/16/14 - Lvl'd Construction to 86
1/17/14 - Lvl'd Agility to 77
1/17/14 - Lvl'd Thieve to 79
1/17/14 - Lvl'd Prayer to 96
1/20/14 - Lvl'd Herblore to 95
1/23/14 - Lvl'd Hunter to 98
1/28/14 - Lvl'd Construction to 87
2/6/14 - Lvl'd Herb to 96
2/7/14 - Lvl'd Fishing to 86
2/7/14 - Lvl'd agility to 78
2/10/14 - Lvl'd Range to 90
2/11/14 - Lvl'd Range to 91
2/12/14 - Lvl'd Range to 92
2/16/14 - Lvl'd Range to 93
2/17/14 - Lvl'd Range to 94
2/19/14 - Lvl'd Range to 95
Slay is Love, Slay is Life.
I stream my adventures on Twitch @ iTzCodes. Feel free to join in!
21-Dec-2013 21:32:44
- Last edited on
20-Feb-2014 23:40:27
Cody Slays
Interesting. Be sure to post how much you make from those qbd and frost dragon kills. Oh, and do you do sinkholes everyday or big chinchompa everyday? They are pretty good xp in dung and hunter. Anyways, good luck!
Interesting. Be sure to post how much you make from those qbd and frost dragon kills. Oh, and do you do sinkholes everyday or big chinchompa everyday? They are pretty good xp in dung and hunter. Anyways, good luck!
Yes I do the sinkholes, but not as much as of late, and the big chin as well.
Ahh that is what I forgot to add to the drop logs. Will be fixing that soon! thanks!
Slay is Love, Slay is Life.
I stream my adventures on Twitch @ iTzCodes. Feel free to join in!
All the best with your current and future goals. You can add me if you want, I have some similar goals myself. =o
''Skilling is not about attaining the highest xp rates; it's about overcoming obstacles.''
Noodlebrains - Skilling Enthusiast.