Kat†tak's Goals
Hello Everyone!
My character name is Katttak and I've decided to create a personal goal thread (the first one I've done) that will be shared with fellow rs scaper's. I figure this will help me stay focused and more determined on my goals and achievements if I'd organize my progress in a thread. So, to begin, here's just a brief history of my character.
I started playing RS in 2004 as f2p, I gained membership around 2006. I stayed a member off and on throughout the years. My very first level 99 was woodcutting, my favorite skill is mining. I'm hoping to max 99s in all my skills so far I have
level +99s. I've been in a few clans that I loved, but have since disbanded. I’ve had many different names that I’ve changed over the years and basically I’m stuck now with Katttak for personal reasons.
Whether I'm working or spending time with my little family, I'm mostly playing RS or on forums during spare time.
Besides skilling I would also like to collect all the skill/combat pets, so far I have
skill pets
I'm also going to make a log of all the quests that will show my current progression.