well everyone all the caskets have been opened and i redeemed it a major succes
all the spoils will be on page 1 so be sure to check it out.
now for the master clues i got:
i got a total of 247 master clues from all these caskets (woohoo) and im gonna start part 2 from now on which is solving all those master clues and then open all of them.
not sure how long its gonna take but im gonna do my best to finish them as quickly as i can.
as normal im gonna be posting updates frequently to keep you informed how it goes.
everyone thank you for all your support so far, i hope you will continue to support me, and lets solve some master clues
and we are off on part 2 of this journey.
i forgot that some master clues are sort of annoying and those tower puzzles..... ah well they keep the brain sharp
its maybe a slow start but ive also been busy selling off the loot from the hard and elite caskets.
everything is sold and the total profit so far is just a little over 2b.
so hopefully the master caskets will add a lot more to it.
not a lot of progress this week.
been working on war's retreat this week and did a lot of bossing for the bonus reaper points.
i did however all pay off and got myself some nice loot and even a vindiddy pet
it doesn't mean i did nothing on clues this week, still completed some clues and the casket stack grows a bit.
im hoping this week will see a lot more progress, im gonna go back at it now.
a little later then expected but better late then never right
decent progress this week, but im gonna have a few busy weeks irl coming up.
so i dont expect a lot of progress for the coming 2 weeks, but when i can i will squeeze a few clues in.
im almost halfway done with the master clues, so i hope i can finish them quickly after this.
im getting impatient and want to open them
but i can only open them once they have all been completed.