Awesome achievements list. Just wondering, once you have completed certain Minigames, are you going for their minigame's points cap? For instance Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza, will you get the 4,000 CFPB Renown cap?
How on earth do you stay motivated? I guess a lot of Netflix is involved?
Good luck man!
Dont have netflix but alot of
are involved indeed
Awesome achievements list. Just wondering, once you have completed certain Minigames, are you going for their minigame's points cap? For instance Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza, will you get the 4,000 CFPB Renown cap?
Good luck on the rest!
It depends on the minigames honestly, after I finish off all minigame rewards, which I am far from btw
I will only keep playing minigames I enjoy like barbarian assault and castle wars and pest control maybe some more.. but other that I doubt I will keep playing minigames