Danbridge travels deep into the Lletya Mine for the light animica. He selects only the finest of ores for smelting his award winning Elder rune bars. Next, he heads off to the rancid depths of the Anachronia swamp mine. Once there, he selects only the finest of dark animica ores for the production of his Elder rune bars.
Danbridge then teleports to the Artisans workshop in Falador, where he deposits and smelts the Elder rune bars with utmost tenacity. The excitement grows and Danbridge experiences a tremendous surge in adrenaline as he then moves the bars from furnace to anvil for the final product.
With each strike of the hammer, perfection is created.
And he doesn't stop there. He goes on to perfect immaculate bars.
And then, the forge strikes the anvil 1000 more times to perfect the glorius bar.
Valued at over 4.3 million each, youre sure to get the utmost from your masterwork armour when you purchase a glorious bar from Danbridge Industries at the GE.
Get yours today!
><|><|>< Do you not stand in awe of my presence? ><|><|><
24-Sep-2023 20:34:19
- Last edited on
03-Oct-2023 01:02:45