I'm back! I haven't had a chance to update this at work for a while but I've been playing
Update July 14th, 2019:
I believe I got the following things, and probably more that I missed:
2 Woodcutting levels - level 116
1 Fishing level - level 113
50 million Fishing XP
1 Agility level - level 113
50 million Agility XP
1 Agility level (I'm now at level 115)
6 Fletching levels (I'm now at level 113, and past the 50mil XP broadcast)
And 1 Woodcutting level (I'm now at level 120)!
I got 2 Ranged levels (about 20mil XP) and am now 119 Ranged! I'll probably have 120 in a couple days at ED3!
Just waiting on my alt account now, so I can move on to Runecrafting. Hopefully I'll be able to get 200mil Fletching this DXP!