While mining a full inventory of gold ores this afternoon at the large gold rock along the right-hand side of the entrance to the mine north of Al Kharid, I got this message:
News: Aslon Dak has received Rocky, the Mining pet drop at 21,052,780 XP!
Rocky is my third skilling pet, joining Bernie and Woody.
Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
"...From The 'Scape" is very nearly here.
I recently achieved 99 Summoning which I'm really happy about because I love the cape. I'm very close to 99 Crafting as well which I'm very excited to achieve too.
I think my next 99 after that will perhaps be Herblore, I'm not too sure yet. I also would like to achieve the Quest cape one day!