I was the second Hardcore ironman to hit 99 firemaking, 14 hours after the first one did. When I died and became a regular ironman, I technically became the first regular ironman with 99 firemaking. Sadly this is not recorded on the Edgevile plaque
(would love to see this fixed though).
Fun fact: I ranked 18th during the Wildy kill challenge with 500+ kills within a week while being ironman (Scourge of the Wild) . Being ironman made it that I could not loot the kills.
I was the second Hardcore ironman to hit 99 firemaking, 14 hours after the first one did. When I died and became a regular ironman, I technically became the first regular ironman with 99 firemaking. Sadly this is not recorded on the Edgevile plaque.
08-Dec-2020 19:18:52